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Why Calming Crystals Help you Relax Instantly?

Why Calming Crystals Help you Relax Instantly?

Has anyone ever told you to stay calm? Perhaps you have seen that familiar poster on “Keep Calm and …” and have always wondered, how the heck does people stay calm when all you know to do is lose the calm. I was just like you until I met the right crystals that changed my life. Today is your lucky day because I am about to describe everything about calming crystals from benefits to uses and techniques that you can apply in 5 minutes to become calm and charismatic too. Ready to find your secret crystal for staying cool? Let’s find out!  

What are Calming crystals?

Original Cermamic Incense Burner - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

Gemstones that contain healing powers specifically to calm you down by lowering your brain heat as well as body heat. Besides the obvious reasons and causes of stress, frustration, tension, panic, anticipation, and anxiety there are many other things that can contribute to lack of calmth.

Do you know restlessness is the most widespread symptom of hypothyroidism? Another logical reason is PMDD. Yet another is hypertension. Even if you’re perfectly healthy, you and I are soaked in electromagnetic radiation from our gadgets, towers, and satellites that communicate via waves. Do you want to keep living in this radiation? Perhaps the reason for you suddenly losing the calmth is an evil eye!

That’s why calming crystals are essential for almost everyone.

My Story with Calming Crystals …

When I was a girl of 17, I went to college. I thought it was going to make me a wonderful person, but for a few years, I was the epitome of evil towards my parents. Puberty affected me in a weird way. I stopped calling my mom and dad. Every time I called or talked to my dad, mum or brother, I ended up fighting with them. I was beyond the scope of healing. It was as if I was possessed by a demon. That was when we went to visit our aunt in Switzerland as a family and I fought with my parents pathetically. It was horrible the way I talked to them and even to this day, I can’t forgive myself for the arrogance and rude language in my teens.

But, my aunt saw right through me. She said, she could see a terribly muddy aura that reeked of anger. She gave me beautiful rose quartz and amethyst palm stone for right and left hand. She told me to hold it whenever I was freaking out and it changed my life.

While I was fighting daily at the start of our vacation, by the end I refused to go back to college because I wanted to spend more time with mum. I ended up at college a week late. That started my familial love. Now that I am a married woman, I still hold the bond with my parents sacred. I realized there was none else in the world who was scientifically as close to my perspective and DNA as parents and siblings. It was enlightenment. I have a strict schedule of visiting my parents every three months and calling dad and more for 1 hour every day. I enjoy every second with them.

Later, I came to know my aunt gave me palm stones for higher and middle chakra- crown and heart. It worked like a charm and I still keep it with me, even though the Amethyst and rose quartz has faded already. Do you want a palm stone now too?

Why use Calming Crystals?

Mosaic Glass Candle Holder - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

I told you what calming crystals really are. The next step is to find out the pros and advantages of actually using these calming crystals in your life. While it can affect different people in different ways, calming crystals can universally benefit most people in the same way.

Go through the list of benefits below because it will help you understand if calming crystals can resolve your personal problems. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for leave us a comment below.

·      Achieve Peace of Mind with Crystals for Stress

Stress can affect you physically and up to 77% of the population actually experiences physical problems due to this. Don’t be in that percentile because it can cause seizures to mood swings and dizziness quite soon.

Are you frustrated with life? Perhaps you’re a minimalist and peaceful person who ends up losing cool because of frustrating people around you! Whatever be the trigger of stress for you, calming crystals can cure your psyche. It fills you with positivity so that the happy hormone called serotonin starts its release than the stress hormone cortisol.

·      Attract Luck and Success using crystals for depression

Are you always unlucky in life? Perhaps your astrologer said your line of luck is twisted. Whatever be the dark ball of evil on your birth chart, calming crystals can help you. It can remove the triggers of depression forever from life to make you a jovial person. What actually happens then is that your aura color changes.

When you pray to the universe with a powerful and bright aura, your requests are granted fast. In simple terms, you will find immense luck and success in your career by using healing crystals that calm you. Loose temper creates hurdles on your way and calming crystals clear your roadblocks.

·      Think Straight and Clear with crystals for anger

A good majority of the world population cannot think straight because a million things are running in their head at a time. If you’re like that, you need to tone down your anger at first. To do so, calming crystals can help by aligning multiple chakras at once.

You will no longer have blurring anxiety or fear towards taking decisions in life. Moreover, calming crystals will help you stay focused because these are crystals for concentration too. No more distractions anymore. That’s why calming crystals are recommended for students and interview candidates to score high!

·      Remove Evil Eye and EMF Radiation with Calming Crystals

If you were paying attention, you know what I said about EMF Risks. If it was TL;DR the gist is that calming crystals can help you eradicate all negativity. Whether your jealous neighbor has hexed you or it is the tall tower in front of your home filling it with radioactivity, calming crystals can purify your space.

You know calmness can be lost due to physical and mental reasons. But, have you ever considered spiritual reasons for loss of calmness? It can happen but calming crystals can help you by draining the sadness in your spirit that has come from going through hardships in life. Read more about crystals for curses here.

·      Upgrade your Personality with Calming Crystals

Another important thing to remember is that no one likes people who are hot-headed. If you’ve been described as an angry person by your colleagues, chances are all of them keep a safe distance from you. No one likes to be shouted at or misinterpreted. If you don’t have any friends, now you know why.

Get rid of your toxic personality and upgrade it to a cool-minded amazing person with the help of calming crystals. Whether you’re a perpetually-angry mother or a hot-headed father, you are going to lose your audience sooner or later because of anger. Change your perspective by adopting feng shui of calming crystals in your life. It’s easy!

List of 15 Calming Crystals you Need in Life and How to Use Them

I know what lack of calmth does to my psyche. I become an animal. Even now, a few days before my menstruation, I lose my cool because of the hormonal imbalances of PMDD I suffer from. That’s something I can’t cure with SSRIs or painkillers because it worsens my mood the next day. Pills are no option for me. But, crystals are.

Whenever I feel the tension is rising, I run to hold my palm stones or pyramid to help me out. If you don’t have such powerful support as crystals, you need it right now. Let’s find the right stone for you.

Every crystal picture below is that of a real product we have available on the store. If you want to buy it, all you need to do is click on the image and you will be automatically redirected to the page where you can add it to your cart. Happy gem hunting!

·      Rose Quartz Pyramid Calming Crystal

Rose Quartz Engraved  Pyramid for Reiki Healing

Rose quartz is the queen of heart. That’s why it is possible to drain out the gentle vibrations that calm you. Rose quartz is ideal for hot-headed and arrogant people because it helps you connect with nature. Taurus, the bull is considered to reap the most from rose quartz. It will calm your stressful and angry vibes easily.

Rose quartz pyramid can send messages to the center of the universe to manifest your affirmations.  

Click here to know more about Rose Quartz Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Rose Quartz

Heart chakra located in your rib or over your heart is the seat of rose quartz power.

How to Use Rose Quartz Crystal for Calming?

  • Take your rose quartz pyramid and place in front of you.
  • Sit down and place both your hands on the crystal pyramid.
  • Close your eyes and meditate by placing both your hands on the pyramid.
  • Hold for 5 minutes and chant your affirmations.

Click here to know how to use a rose quartz pyramid.

·      Amethyst 108 Prayer Beads for Calming

Amethyst Buddhist Bracelet Necklace   108 Prayer Beads   AtPerrys Healing Crystals   6

A powerful crown chakra crystal, amethyst affects your psyche by seeking supernatural help. Do you know amethyst has the power to ground you? Whenever negative thoughts creep into your mind, amethyst resolves it by draining it via earthing.

When you wear this amethyst prayer bead bracelet, evil energies cannot shake you. You will feel at peace and full of calmness throughout the time you wear it.

Click here to know more about Amethyst Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Amethyst

The most interesting power of amethyst is its dual-chakra effects. It can affect the crown chakra located over your head to connect you to the etheric realm as well as the lower chakra where your kundalini energy or life force forms called the sacral chakra.

How to Use Amethyst Crystal for Calming?

  • Take your amethyst bracelet in the palm of your hand.
  • Create an affirmation based on your requests.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Chant your affirmation while rotating each bead on the bracelet.
  • Continue until the amethyst beads finish.

Click here to read more about creating affirmations for manifestations.

·      Dolphin Calming White Fire Opal Pendant

Dolphin White Fire Opal Necklace - 925 sterling silver - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

The spirit animal of harmony, it’s no wonder that dolphin can calm you like the depth of oceans. This white fire opal is reminiscent of the oceanic vibrations of cooling and soothing energies. When you wear this pendant on your heart chakra, the white fire opal raises the crown chakra to align your heart chakra as well.

Wearing white fire opal can help you cope with grief and failures in exam or career to find luck again in life. It is a warming gemstone that makes you feel supported if you’re feeling angry because of hopelessness or loneliness in life.

Click here to know more about White Fire Opal Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of White Fire Opal

The excellent use of white fire opal is for higher chakra disorders because white fire opal affects the crown chakra to raise your intuitive vibes.

How to Use White Fire Opal Crystal for Calming?

  • Place your dolphin white fire opal pendant in your palm.
  • Now imagine the color of the white fire opal seeping out of the pendant on to your heart.
  • Meditate for ten more minutes.
  • Wear it on your neck.

·      Morganite Super Calming Crystal Ring

Morganite Vintage - 925 Sterling Silver Ring - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

When you touch a Morganite, the heart begins to vibrate. As the heart is the seat of emotions, Morganite ring like this can make you instantly calm. That’s because by controlling your heart chakra vibrations, Morganite is boosting the speed of blood circulation in your blood. That way the healing energies from your heart reaches all the other chakras and organs quickly.

Morganite stimulates harmony and strength of heart. It raises your intuition to help you choose good decisions without disturbing your calmth.

Click here to know more about Morganite Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Morganite

By raising your heart chakra vibrations located in your heart, Morganite can make you calm, happy and relaxed.

How to Use Morganite Crystal for Calming?

  • Take your Morganite ring in your palm.
  • Imagine the pink color flowing into your heart chakra.
  • Wear the ring on your index finger.
  • Now touch your heart with the same finger.
  • Meditate for ten minutes.

·      7 Chakra Calming Bracelet

7 Chakra Crystal Healing Bracelet

Human beings have seven primary chakras that control the physical, emotional and spiritual stability. While individual chakras can stabilize specific issues, 7-chakra combinations provide all-around care.

I have used this 7-chakra bracelet for myself and on my kids who had pathetic anger issues in the past. We have all reaped its benefits because it makes us feel relaxed from every angle. It fills chakra powers to make you feel peaceful and energetic at the same time.

Click here to know more about 7 Chakra Crystals in detail!

How to Use 7 Chakra Crystal for Calming?

  • Take your 7 Chakra bracelet and place it in front of you on the ground.
  • Now place both your hands on the crystal one over another.
  • Meditate for ten minutes by visualizing the charge of the crystal seeping into you.
  • Wear it on your wrist or anklet.

·      Aquamarine Deep Blue Calm Ring

Blue Aquamarine Ring - 925 Sterling Silver

The soothing blue color of aquamarine is even revered by scientists for being powerful on the psyche. It can calm down exploding head syndrome to hot temper in a matter of seconds. That’s because aquamarine has rare color energy that can make you feel as if you’re supported or embraced by a warm hand.

Aquamarine is excellent for women who go through terrible mood swings like me during menstruation too. Another quick relief of aquamarine on the brain is how it heals underlying physical disorders to give you calmness. It’s a superb healer of the higher chakras!

Click here to know more about Rose Quartz Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Aquamarine

The soothing power of aquamarine raises the throat chakra located over your thyroid.

How to Use Aquamarine Crystal for Calming?

  • Take your aquamarine ring and place in your right palm.
  • Now, close the palm and place it over your heart.
  • Close your eyes and meditate while visualizing calming energies.
  • Open your eyes and stare into the aquamarine crystal for one full minute.
  • Wear it on your left-hand index finger.

·      Fluorite Natural Pointe Calming Pendant

Natural Crystal Fluorite Pendant

The pure color of this fluorite is considered powerful than clear quartz because hidden within are the powers of multiple chakras. You will start receiving divine messages from your spirit guide up above in the heavens via clairvision besides developing clairvoyance to speak in tongues.

Fluorite has bigger plans for your destiny. And, being a natural point, this is a pendant wand actually. As the pendant wand has double terminations facing up and down, it will stabilize your higher and lower chakras quickly.

Click here to know more about Rose Quartz Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Fluorite

Located in between your brows, fluorite is a third eye chakra stone that opens the spiritual eye so that you can see into the past, present and future.

How to Use Fluorite Crystal for Calming?

  • Take your nature point pendant in your palm.
  • Close the palm and chant your affirmations.
  • Now, open the eyes and touch the pendant tip on each of your chakras while chanting the mantra.
  • Wear it right away.

·      Chalcedony 108 Prayer Beads

Chalcedony Beads Tibetan Buddhist 108 Prayer Beads Bracelet   AtPerrys Healing Crystals   1

The soft purple-blue shade of this chalcedony prayer bead is excellent for a range of physical and spiritual issues. It can basically calm you down while treating hidden diseases in your body. Every time you hold this chalcedony bead, the healing energy within it amplifies.

Chalcedony prayer beads are renowned for giving inner peace to elderly people who suffer from physical and mental problems. It stabilizes the heartbeats to brain waves to make you feel relaxed and uplifted throughout the time you touch it.

Click here to know more about Chalcedony Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Chalcedony

Raising the higher heart chakra, located above your heart, chalcedony is a calming stone that makes you as relaxed as a monk.

How to Use Chalcedony Crystal for Calming?

  • Take the chalcedony beaded bracelet in your right hand.
  • Rotate each bead on the bracelet while chanting your affirmation.
  • Finish chanting the affirmation with every bead rotation.
  • Meditate while chanting the affirmation by visualizing the manifestation.

·      Moonstone Calming Chip Bracelet

Moonstone Bead Bracelets - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

The stone of the moon goddess’s blessing, moonstone is popular as the stone of heaven because it can show you karmic problems. You will find moonstone opportune because it guides your way to do penance for your past life sins in the easiest and the most productive way. Oftentimes, past life sins are the reason for your suffering in this incarnation.

Moonstone chip bracelet constantly powers your chakra and aura powers to deflect negativity, hexes and evil eye from reaching you. Wear it on vacation if you want a detox therapy at arm’s length.

Click here to know more about Moonstone Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Moonstone

Moonstone is known for raising your life force chakra at the sacral on your pelvis, the third eye chakra that opens your spiritual eye located in between the brows and crown chakra located above your forehead that connects you to the higher realm.

How to Use Moonstone Crystal for Calming?

  • Hold the moonstone crystal bracelet in front of your face with both hands.
  • Now, look through the moonstone bracelet at the moon (best on the full moon).
  • Visualize the energy of the moonstone embracing you.
  • Meditate for ten more minutes before wearing the bracelet on your left-hand wrist.

·      Celestite Crystal Cluster for Calming Feng Shui

Natural Celestite Crystal Cluster

Celestite is a divine stone. It is known to rejuvenate your spirit and wake it up from spiritual paralysis. It guides you to the destiny you deserve while protecting you en route. Do you know celestite takes the help of angels? It is a celestial stone that contains the powers of the netherworld. So, if you think your lack of calmness has to do with supernatural reason, celestite can show you the truth.

Celestite also connects you with heaven to find answers to the questions troubling you existentially. It is the secret weapon that can constantly keep your house and family members protected from powerful energy attacks from vampires too.

Chakra of Celestite

The throat chakra is the best energy center of celestite which is located in between your thyroid and voice box. Another chakra affected by celestite is the Third Eye, which stays in between your brows to open a new eye that sees through things you miss with the physical eye.

Another chakra power raised by celestite is the Crown chakra located on top of the forehead that connects you to the heaven above.  

How to Use Celestite Crystal for Calming?

  • Take the celestite cluster in your right palm.
  • Hold the left palm underneath the right palm.
  • Now, close your eyes and imagine every termination on the crystal cluster touching you and calming you.
  • Keep it in the southern direction of your bedroom.
  • Clean it with clear quartz at the end of the day.

·      Lotus Tourmaline Calming Ring

Handmade Lotus Tourmaline Ring - 925 Sterling Silver

The essence of pink tourmaline in this lotus ring is the heart chakra. It quickly calms you down by working on your heart. From grief to heartbreak and death, nothing is a challenge for pink tourmaline because it points out the positivity in every situation, bad or worse.

Lotus tourmaline was the shaman’s stone because it can open you to the unmatchable serenity of nature. Do you know wearing lotus tourmaline ring on your ring finger on the right hand on Saturday can make you lucky? I am not kidding!

Click here to know more about Tourmaline Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Lotus Tourmaline

Heart chakra is the center of lotus tourmaline powers located over your heart.

How to Use Lotus Tourmaline Crystal for Calming?

  • Take the lotus tourmaline ring in your palm.
  • Close it with both the hands.
  • Go outside and stand facing the sun.
  • Now close your eyes and meditate while you feel the energy of the tourmaline entering your veins.
  • Repeat it before bed.

·      Turquoise Calming Pendant

Calming Turquoise Silver Pendant Necklace - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

The king of calmness, turquoise has the most soothing color according to chromotherapy. A small glimpse at a turquoise can bring down the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the brain. The reason it was used by doctors and surgeons was to remove nervousness and other nerve-wracking thoughts.

Turquoise can bring down negative self-talk that can be the cause of your hypertension if you’re a person suffering from high blood pressure too. It can also heal underlying physical disorders related to your stomach, kidney, liver, uterus, and brain (migraines) to calm you down.

Click here to know more about Turquoise Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Turquoise

Located in your throat, turquoise raises your confidence chakra.

How to Use Turquoise Crystal for Calming?

  • Place the turquoise pendant in your right palm.
  • Close it with the left palm.
  • Meditate while touching both the palms on the pendant.
  • Pray to Goddess Persephone.
  • Open your eyes when you feel a tingle in the throat.
  • Chant your affirmations after.

·      Lava Rocks Bracelets for Peace

Black Volcanic Lava Stone Bracelet - For Men - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

The most porous stone in the world is also the best gemstone to absorb negativity from your life. Holding a lava rock in your hand can purify your mind like charcoal cleanses the pores in your skin cells. That’s because lava rocks are intertwined with the divine calmth of nature.

When you touch a lava rock, even if your anger is as violent as a volcano, the lava rock will put you at ease. Lava rock is a symbol of peace because it absorbs physical problems and mental problems that add to your peacelessness. It can also cure EMF Risks and radiation-related stress easily!

Click here to know more about Lava Rocks Healing Crystal in our Handbook for FREE!

Chakra of Lava Rocks

Raising your root chakra located at the base of the spine, lava rocks makes you grounded by keeping you connected to the earth.

How to Use Lava Rocks Crystal for Calming?

  • Place the lava rocks bracelet in front of your feet.
  • Kneel down, cup your hands and pray to Mother Gaia.
  • Meditate for five minutes.
  • Wear the lava rocks on your wrist or anklet.

·      Moonstone + Rose Quartz Calming Combo Crystals

Moonstone & Rose Quartz Gold/Silver Ring - 925 Sterling Silver - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

A superb combo made for people with extreme mood swings and hormonal imbalances, this moonstone-rose quartz combo is one to die for. Besides the excellent craftsmanship, this ring is considered the ideal mix for affecting higher and lower chakras at once.

When you wear moonstone and rose quartz together, your inner eye opens. You will be able to make prophecies while handling the immense mental drain out of the ritual. It is recommended for high-stress workers such as business chiefs, shamans, psychiatrists, doctors, and teachers.

How to Use Moonstone + Rose Quartz Crystal for Calming?

  • Take the moonstone rose quartz ring.
  • Place it on your crown chakra for three seconds.
  • Chant your mantra.
  • Place it on the third eye chakra for 3 seconds.
  • Chant your mantra.
  • Place it on the heart chakra for 3 seconds.
  • Chant your mantra.

·      Prehnite Heart Chakra Calming

Prehnite & Topaz - 925 Sterling Silver

If this is the first time you’re hearing about Prehnite, you’ve missed a beautiful calming stone full of the heart chakra. It is a progress stone that removes the problems from your life while treating your pain.

Prehnite is not just a calming crystal, but one that helps you find solutions to your problems. It erases woes, worries, and negativity so that you will see nothing but positivity in life. Do you know Prehnite can absorb pain from your neurons? It’s amazing if you lose calmness because of mental pain or depression too.

Chakra of for Prehnite

Raising your heart chakra located over your heart, Prehnite is a soft energy stone that heals you.

How to Use Prehnite Crystal for Calming?

  • Take the Prehnite pendant in your left palm (as there are two stones).
  • Close it with the right palm while chanting your mantra.
  • Close your eyes and meditate for ten minutes.
  • Look at the Prehnite and topaz for five minutes while visualizing it getting charged.
  • Repeat it before you wear.

Before you go …

Calmness is a virtue. It is earned. You need to work at it to attain it. No one is born calm. In fact, the first thing most babies do is cry. Through the hardships of life, man learns to keep calm.

If any of the crystals above sounded relieving to you, share your date of birth in the comments below so that I can check how great it will work on you. Bring the power of Godly calmness with calming crystals into your life today!

Stay powerful~

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