Our body has seven important chakras that regulate the flow of energy. When blocked, the same can lead to disorders and diseases within the human body as well as the aura.
What happens when you activate your Charkas with Crystals?
When the seven major chakras are activated, you receive a heightened exposure to extra ordinary power. Furthermore, when you add crystals to your chakra activation, you also get spiritual enlightenment, creativity, emotional freedom, sexual balance, contentment, wealth and prosperity. The ancient science of Chakra power roots from the knowledge of frequencies. Read more on Crystal Physics for more info.
Seven Crystals for activating your chakra Energy
Raising the energy balance in your body, chakra powers can be harnessed with crystals that you connect most with. Crystals clean your body from toxins and mind from negativity to help you achieve magnifying chakra power. Wearing the respective stones on the chakras will yield more power.
1. Garnet For Root chakra
Known as the base or the root chakra, Garnet improves focus, grounding, creativity and stamina when worn on the root chakra. Set at the base of your spine garnet is an excellent stone for those who need rooting or grounding. The color energies that can rejuvenate the root chakra are red and black.
Wear this Garnet healing stone for support and activation on your muladhara.
Other stones to activate Crown chakra:
Black Obsidian, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Red Zincite and Smoky Quartz;
2. Carnelian For Sacral Chakra
Representing the colors orange to blue green, Sacral Chakra is located below your navel. Wearing this carnelian enhances creativity, sexual vitality and emotional stability too. Regular activation of Sacral chakra also provides for intuitive powers.
Wear this Carnelian pendant on your sacral chakra or the waist for reproductive health and fertility.
Other stones to activate Crown chakra:
Orange Calcite, Turquoise, Fluorite and Vanadenite;
3. Tiger Eye For Solar Plexus Chakra
Located just below your breastbone, Solar Plexus is the energy that shields you. Wearing Amber or other crystals with the color energy yellow works well to activate ambitions, self-confidence, intellectual strength and psychic shield too.
Wear this Tiger Eye bracelet on your Solar Plexus or the Manipura to keep the emotional meltdown away.
Other stones to activate Crown chakra:
Yellow Jasper and Golden Calcite;
4. Rose Quartz For Heart chakra
A healing stone that works like your mother’s hug, Rose Quartz is excellent to activate love vibrations in you as the chakra is located at the core of your chest. A prominent crystal part of Love Crystals, Rose Quartz also brings mental clarity and relieves heartaches from past relationships and experiences. Also known as Anahata, Heart chakra activates traits such as compassion, empathy, universal awareness, enlightenment and balance in life.
If you’ve been hunting for something that can make you feel alive and full of love, this rose Quartz pendant is your best go!
Other stones to activate Crown chakra:
Tourmaline, Aventurine, Malachite and Jade;
5. Aquamarine For Throat Chakra
Representing articulation or the magic of syntax and semantics, Throat chakra represents the pink and green color energies. Wearing this aquamarine choker necklace around your throat chakra make you more expressive and connect easily with your spirit guide. Aquamarine also brings focus and divine guidance in your life as it is located above your collarbone.
If you’ve been searching for your destiny, wear this aquamarine choker necklace around your neck to reveal your life’s purpose right away!
Other stones to activate Crown chakra:
Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Angelite, Turquoise and Kyanite;
6. Lapis Lazuli For Third Eye Chakra
Located above your eyebrows on the forehead, Third eye Chakra is also known to be the all seeing chakra. Representing the color energy of indigo, wearing Lapis Lazuli on your Third eye Chakra and meditating brings spiritual enlightenment, psychic visions, intuitive powers and concentration.
Try meditating with this lapis lazuli stone in your hand to develop divination powers, if you’re drawn to the psychic realm.
Other stones to activate Crown chakra:
Azurite, Amethyst, Moldavite and Sugilite;
7. Amethyst For Crown Chakra
Located at the crown of your head, Crown Chakra is represented by the color energy of purple or gold hued white. Boosting powers of awareness, cosmic wisdom, strength, mental clarity, perfection and trans human consciousness, Amethyst is the most powerful for activating your crown chakra. Activating the Soul Star, Crown Chakra is also synonymous with Sahasra or thousandfold in Sanskrit.
Use this amethyst pendant to cultivate calmth and spiritual awareness when activating your chakras.
Other stones to activate Crown chakra:
Topaz, Calcite, Quartz and Moonstone;
Before you go …

Chakra power is synonymous with crystals as well as rejuvenating life exercises such as meditation, yoga, aromatherapy and sleeping. When you activate your chakras, you develop a consciousness to live life fully as well as seize every day.
Stay Powerful!
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