Make a Wish; because we have the ultimate crystal for granting wishes!

A feminine stone with a moon like sheen, moonstone was revered as the Face of Diana in Rome while Greeks believed the white crystal to be the face of Selene, long ago.
History also vouches that the Eastern world believed Moonstone to be the luckiest gem that must be worn on no days but Mondays! In any case, moonstone was always a sanctified deity in a crystalline form through ages and most often epitomized by the Great Mother Goddess.
The ultimate gemstone filled with the powers of the moon, moonstone is the ancient secret ingredient of prophecies. This third eye chakra stone can uplift your chakras and open your inner eye. You will be able to see what stays hidden to the naked eye with your spiritual strength.
The divine communion stone, moonstone is a cure for sleeplessness too. It can drive away nightmares and purify your thoughts. Legend has it that moonstone has unique powers to level up your karmic virtues.
Moonstone clears the head so that you can think straight. It significantly improves decision making skills by making your neurons sharp. It can also erase emotionally disturbing memories from your past. If you have been finding it hard to move on, embrace the energy of the moonstone and see the miracle. It sets your biological clock right during winters and helps you compose yourself during vulnerable situations.
The stone of compassion, love and fortitude, moonstone stimulates changes. It can help you overcome challenges if you use it right!
Overflowing with motherly love, Moonstone is also a natural tiara to attract your true love!
· Hardness on the MOHS Scale
6.0 to 6.50
· Names
Mineral Adularia, Hecatolite, Rainbow Moonstone,
· Origin
Brazil, Germany, India, Canada, Sri Lanka, Burma, USA, Tanzania, Madagascar, Mexico, Alps, Australia and Norway;
· Represents the God
- Nyx: Greek Goddess of the Night;
- Diana: Roman Goddess of Moon;
- Selene: Greek Goddess of Moon;
- Cerridwen: Welsh Goddess of Rebirth;
· Zodiac
Cancer, Scorpio and Libra;
· Planet
· Color energies
White, Silver, Pale Blue, Pale Pink, Yellow, Gray and Peach;
· Numerical Vibration
· Chakra
Crown, Heart and Third Eye chakra;
· Metaphysical Meanings of Various Types of Moonstone
One crystal that can give you the emotional warmth you’ve been craving for, Moonstone wearers feel like in the embrace of a mother. More so, Moonstone balances the heart with the mind, and fares as an excellent companion during hardships.

A feminine stone that evokes mastery of emotions, Moonstone is also intuitive. By protecting the wearer and warning the dangers, Moonstone is renowned as the best guardian stone to keep on you. The nurturing stone is the best healing crystal for nervousness and anxiety attacks too.
If you’re starting over, moonstone can be the best healing crystal to attract the right opportunities and reveal your destiny as it emanates an energy that activates multiple higher chakras at once.
1. Cat’s eye Moonstone
The softest Moonstone variety, Cat’s Eye Moonstone captures the natural magic as seen from the eyes of Mother Goddess. Varying from silvery transparent glisten to pink, green, orange, blue and white colors, Cat’s Eye Moonstone should be held in the mouth on Full Moon to peek into the future.
2. White Moonstone
Representing the color energy of Earth’s planet Moon, White Moonstone is a translucent healing crystal a magical glitz about it. With laced white layers around the stone, white moonstone stimulates a spiritual boost in men, courage in kids and fertility in women.
3. Yellow Moonstone
A soothing stone revered throughout history as a Divine Beam, Yellow Moonstone is excellent with introverts and timid kids. Spanning from peach to yellow, this moonstone can be seen in a handful of shades around the world.
4. Rainbow Moonstone
A prism-like gemstone with moonstone traits, Rainbow Moonstone is an aura-cleansing crystal. Known to aide psychic defense, rainbow moonstone displays flashes of colors such as Yellow, Blue, Pink, Indigo, Brown, Green, Silver, White and Green.
5. Star Moonstone
Seen with a silver coating, Star Moonstone is one of the rarest moonstones in the world. Star Moonstone emanates diverse colors around the world. The moonstone also forms the shape of the star inside when placed under the light.
From pink to yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and white, Star Moonstone also displays flashes of the cream shade. The most expensive variety of star moonstone is found in blue color.
6. Black Moonstone
Also called the Norwegian moonstone, black moonstone is a misnomer. Named Larkvite, Norwegian moonstone is also called Labradorite in certain parts of the world as it is a feldspar crystal.
7. Gray Moonstone
For enhanced perception and intuitive traits, Gray Moonstone is the best. Also called the ‘New Moon Crystal’, Gray Moonstone has colors such as Ivory, Blue, White, Gray and Black on it too. The mystical stone is ideal to keep on you if you want to have a change of perception too.
8. Albite moonstone
A gorgeous looking moonstone with strong roots to feldspar, Albite Moonstone is translucent and always glittering white rays. The rare crystal is mined from Canada and emits dull and pale white flashes when seen under the light.
9. Adularia moonstone
One of the most exclusive moonstones around the world, Adularia Moonstone is a spiritual stone with untapped powers. The rare gem emits silvery streaks of white, blue and gray under naked eyes and is mined from India, Madagascar and Burma.
· Physical Benefits

Perfect crystal for resetting your biological clock, the best effect of Moonstone is safety. Moonstone is known to heal the female reproductive system and ease pains of menstruation. Disorders of the skin such as allergy, rashes and blisters are also the specialty of Moonstone. By reversing aging and revitalizing skin as well as hair and eyes, Moonstone revives the beauty within you.
Moonstone wearers are also blessed with cozy sleep and a sound circadian rhythm. For those of us who can’t beat the stomach issues when eating out, moonstone infused water works amazingly!
Moonstone also helps in absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxins faster than any crystal. Yet another striking benefit of using moonstone in your day-to-day life is painless pregnancy and labor.
· Spiritual Benefits

Sacred throughout South-East Asia, Moonstone is regarded as the crystal of hope, miracles and divinity. Opening the synapses of your mind to heightened spiritual consciousness are but unique advantages of the moonstone crystal.
Combining serendipity with the synchronicity of your chakras is a bonus of being dedicated to your moonstone crystal. According to Crystal Users, placing Moonstone on a Yellow Cloth on a Full Moon Night and peek to see your 3-months future!
· Emotional Benefits

Expanding perception is the key benefit of making moonstone a vital part of your jewelry. Keeping moonstone close to your higher chakras helps in comprehending situations and resolving conflicts effortlessly. Moonstone is akin to a therapist at your fingertips and hence, bond with your pet crystal as much as you can.
Deeper emotional bonding with moonstone instills the wearer with clairvoyance and voicing your passions confidently.
A gentle crystal that teaches soft yet accurate channeling of ideas, moonstone also promotes non-linear thoughts, making you one with your surroundings. Meditating with the gemstone moonstone helps in revealing inner conflicts and desires easily as well.
· Five Moonstone Facts
- Moonstone emits a halo like white floating reflection when seen under the sunlight, which christened the stone as Moonstone and the effect is titled as adularescence.
- Popularized as the Lover’s Stone of Mystery, Moonstone is traditionally given as a gift for the 13th wedding anniversary.
- In Arabic lores, moonstone is sewn onto the robes of women to promote fertility, while moonstone is welcomed as the most sacred crystal in Hindu Scriptures.
- Moonstone was declared as the Official Gemstone of Florida respecting the City where the first Shuttle that made a man walk on the moon, was launched!
- The Dream stone is also believed to be the tear drops of a Godly Quarrel from the heavens and even today, dreaming about Moonstone is a considered a warning from the heavens among the older crystal aficionados.
Before You go …

Moonstone is a soft stone and must be handled softly and recharged regularly. Wearers of Moonstone are blessed with stabilizing vibrations that help in aligning the higher chakras too. Regardless of the pain you’re going through, moonstone can transform into your BFF that you never had!
The above Moonstone is like a mother with a healing wand; always watching over you, your health and happiness …
Stay powerful~
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