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Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Stones, Crystals and Gemstones

Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Stones, Crystals and Gemstones

The fifth tantric chakra in the human body, throat chakra is also the purification center of the body. It manages both the energies of the ears and throat too. Throat chakra also propels the energies of Lalana Chakra, set at the mouth.

The twelve petals on the throat chakra symbol depict the virtues such as self-control, respect, sorrow, depression, honor, affection, anxiety, honor, contentment, dissatisfaction, offense and purity.

In earlier times, the liquid charged with throat chakra energy was revered as the liquid of immortality.

What Is Throat Chakra?

throat chakra meanings

Your Throat Chakra in your chakra anatomy is the chakra of truth. Throat chakra meaning is purity. It is a chakra of communication due to its vital location. Now, the metaphysical part of throat chakra comes in when you attain the power to see purity, speak with thoughts of others, energies such as spirits and angels. However, that’s not all! Throat chakra is the root of your charm and charisma too. It can influence your auric color in a colossal way.

Where is the Throat Chakra located?

Your throat chakra is located at the throat near the spine, over your voice box or at the imaginary pit in the throat. It is thus situated as throat chakra is the seat of your speech. It governs and filters everything you speak. Awaken your throat chakra to transform your speech!

Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones


Alternate Names of Throat Chakra

There are many names of throat chakra that you should know if you want to know all about it. Vishuddha chakra is the most popular name for it. Akasha and Kantha Chakra are also throat chakra names. Shodasha-dala and Nirmala-Padma are little-known names of throat chakra.

What is the Shape of Throat Chakra?

The shape to represent throat chakra in your crystal grid or office walls or symmetrical crystals is the Crescent. A 30,000-year-old philosophy, the metaphysics of the crescent moon has to mean the start of life itself. That’s because, it was represented by Isis and Hathor by the Egyptians while the sacred bull was used by Minoans to depict the crescent.  

How many Petals of the Lotus of Throat Chakra?

Every chakra in our body can be represented as a lotus, each with its own different set of petals. Throat chakra lotus has 16 petals. It represents the frequency of the chakra.

Gods of Throat Chakra

Sadhashiva is the God of Destruction and Transformations depicted as the ruler of Throat Chakra. Having Sadha Shiva by your side means you will have the power over everything around you. Throat chakra also beckons the blessings of Sakini, the Tantric Goddess of Herbs. She brings you the wisdom to understand right from wrong. Sakini is one of the female deities of tantra. She can empower your vision too, giving you the power of clairvision.

What Element Is Throat Chakra?

Sky or Ether represent the throat chakra.

Sky element is represented at the mouth of a yogi. With the incantation of the Tibetan ‘Ha’, sky or ether is the mother of all the other elements. It enlightens your path to the destiny. Akash or sky element rules your throat chakra.

What is the Symbol of Throat Chakra?

Represented by the incantation- Ham ‘हं’ (Sanskrit Word). You will find the pronunciation of the word online. Chanting the word ham can help you open the throat chakra easily. Try it with your closed eyes right now if you’re at ease and in a sacred place.

Which is the Color of Throat Chakra?

Turquoise is the auric color of a powerful throat chakra. All shades of Blue come under the throat chakra color therapy. Blue is the color of truth and calmness. It restores balance and vitality at once.

Which is the Ruling Planet of Throat Chakra

Mercury is the ruler of Throat Chakra. He is the messenger God who helps in manifesting you affirmations. Portrayed as a trickster in the mythologies, Mercury can bless you to get things done. You will be quick on your feet and tongue with Mercury by your side!

What Incense/ Herb for Throat Chakra

Lavender, Frankincense and Chamomile are the best incense to open your throat chakra. All you need to do is light a lavender incense and chant the affirmation or the word ham. It helps you access your throat chakra, for starters.

Which is the Throat Chakra Zodiac

Virgo and Gemini are both the strongest zodiac for the throat chakra.

A prideful Virgo can learn a lot by controlling his throat chakra and bringing balance to his or her emotions. If you’re a Virgo born from August 23 to September 22, you will find the miracle of truth and self-confidence with the help of tapping into your throat chakra.

Gemini will know how to read the minds of others by opening her or his throat chakra. Zodiac Gemini will also find will power and problem solving skills with throat chakra healing crystals as a pendant or necklace.

What Causes Blocked Throat Chakra?

First thing first, do you feel it’s impossible, to tell the truth, even when you want to? Perhaps you’ve been feeling a lot of the thyroid problems flaring up recently (it was my case!). Other throat chakra blockage can be seen in symptoms such as low self-confidence, little or less will power and hopelessness. Alternatively, you could feel unsatisfied when your throat chakra is outta whack.

Your throat chakra is blocked due to many things ranging from Mercury at wars with you to the fault in your stars. Don’t worry, we will find the right cure for you with throat chakra stones soon.

How To Detect Weak Throat Chakra?

  • Do you have throat problems?
  • Is a chronic cough making it impossible to speak?
  • Does your heart start beating too fast when you speak?
  • Do you get stressed out when you’re talking?
  • Is nausea making you stop when you’re speaking?
  • Do you feel you can express your truth?
  • Is it impossible for you to adhere to your duties?
  • Do you postpone and procrastinate often?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to two or more of the above, your throat chakra is weak. Please read ahead to find the right stone to heal your throat chakra!

What Is Throat Chakra Responsible for?

We have seen the powers and metaphysical abilities of throat chakra. But, what more can it do?

  • Throat chakra can boost your Self Esteem and Will Power
  • Truthfulness or the Ability to Speak the Truth is a gift of throat chakra.
  • Throat chakra helps you Speak with Your Voice
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making with Throat chakra
  • Throat chakra is responsible for Making You an Empathic Listener

Why Charge your Throat Chakra

throat chakra stones

The tantric chakra of the throat helps in clearing blocks in your voice and articulation. It is effective in various parts of the body such as mouth, ears, neck and shoulders. It helps to realize your inner voice and seek directions of higher realms.

It is the chakra of doing daring things. Throat chakra ignites enthusiasm and commitment. It can also clear blockages in between couples in love or marriage.

·        Physical Healing of Throat Chakra

Throat chakra programming can heal many diseases such as ear infection, eyesight related disorders, neck injuries and the common cold. It is especially good for smokers as gem elixirs made with throat chakra gemstones will help in healing your respiratory tract and stomach too.

·        Emotional Healing of Throat Chakra

A matchless throat chakra power, emotional healing effects of this chakra helps in opening up about pain and grief easily. It makes an introverted or shy person reach out boldly. Courageousness is another symptom of the throat chakra power.

·        Spiritual Healing of Throat Chakra

For communicating with angelic beings, throat chakra gemstones are effective. Throat chakra powers ignite the wearer to raise more awareness and enlightenment as it is closely related to the higher and lower chakras.

What Is The Mantra For Throat Chakra?

Lent my chakra powers to clairvoyance from this point on. It heals my throat and eradicates my fear.

There is a trick for throat chakra that works in every case, no matter what! Vest stones for throat chakra can be activated by reciting this mantra while holding them!

7 Sacred Stones for Throat Chakra

Healing crystals are often distinguished by expert crystal users based on its spiritual powers. If you’re a fan of gemstone powers, check the right gemstone to use for activating your throat chakra powers right away!

Blue Sapphire

Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones

Referred to as the Neelam stone, blue sapphire is a quick acting gemstone. It brings faith and bliss among married couples. Often chose as the engagement jewel, blue sapphire can clear blocks in your throat chakra easily.

How to Program your Throat Chakra with Blue Sapphire
  • Take a Blue Sapphire
  • Point it at the Throat Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m precious. Everything around me doubles my value”.

Lapis Lazuli

Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones

The deep blue stone is a symbol of wisdom and hypnotizing shades. It is a rare protection stone powerful to bring maturity and understanding to the wearer. Long term use of Lapis Lazuli healing gemstones will attract knowledge.

How to Program your Throat Chakra with Lapis Lazuli
  • Take a Lapis Lazuli
  • Point it at the Throat Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m grounded. Everything around me increases my wisdom”.


Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones

Ideal for those with shyness and anger issues, aquamarine can open your mind’s throat. It will make you bold for life and confident too. Using aquamarine gem elixir to gargle in the morning is highly effective.        

How to Program your Throat Chakra with Aquamarine
  • Take an Aquamarine
  • Point it at the Throat Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m bold. Everything around me makes me confident.”.


Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones

Another stone of clarity and purity, turquoise is also a master healer stone. It can speed recoveries from serious injuries and purify the wearer. When using turquoise always choose as the tone that connects to you.

How to Program your Throat Chakra with Turquoise
  • Take a Turquoise
  • Point it at the Throat Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m pure. Everything around me heals me”.


Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones

The silicate healing crystal also bears a unique shade of blue known to shade the dreams of the wearer. Sodalite is a manifestation stone that boosts the enthusiasm and commitment of the wearer towards his or her goal.

How to Program your Throat Chakra with Sodalite

  • Take a Sodalite
  • Point it at the Throat Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m fearless. Everything around me strengthens me”.

Blue Chalcedony

Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones

The ultimate stone to attain calmth and peace, blue chalcedony is healing crystal of the monks. Blue chalcedony is typically used as meditation bead. The quartz gemstone is hypnotizing and healing for those suffering from suppressed thoughts.

How to Program your Throat Chakra with Blue Chalcedony
  • Take a Blue Chalcedony
  • Point it at the Throat Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m calm. Everything around me makes me peaceful”.


Chakra Healing Crystals: Throat Chakra Gemstones

Another mystic healing crystal for the throat chakra, amazonite can invoke new powers of clairvoyance among the wearers. It is a stone that ignites angelic communication if you pray to Shiva, the destroyer.

How to Program your Throat Chakra with Amazonite
  • Take an Amazonite
  • Point it at the Throat Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m powerful. Everything around me adds to my skills”.


Learning all about heart chakra healing crystals is not easy. To boost your knowledge, it is best to get at throat chakra crystal. Buy your throat chakra gemstone at affordable prices for clearing the blocks of shyness, fear, and lack of confidence from your character.

Are you ready to try these bravery stone? Tell us all about what you need in the comments below ad we will find you the perfect stone.

Stay powerful~

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