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Healing Crystals for 12 Different Cancers: What I Wish Everyone Knew

Healing Crystals for Cancer: 12 Different Cancers - What I Wish Everyone Knew

Science says cancer comes in diverse shapes, sizes and fates. And, most of us have one word that comes to head with cancer ‘death’.

History also recounts many cancer survivors claiming the power of crystals when used on cancerous cells had a healing effect. As crystals can amplify the power of medicines, in addition to ensuring peace of mind, it is no surprise that specific crystals are equally powerful as laser therapy. 

Why use Healing Crystals for Cancer?

 Crystals for Cancer

For every cancer, there are specific healing crystals that can affect particular chakra points for healing. While crown and third eye heals brain related cancers, throat heals respiratory and oral cancers. Heart chakra heals blood cancer and solar plexus chaakra heals gut related cancers. The root chakra is ideal for skin and other cancers while sacral chakra is the life force energy.

When you use gemstones for cancer healing, you sign up for a new life. It can speed your recovery against cancer and prevent it from coming again. For doing so, you need to target the right chakra as well as use the crystals the right way.

Cancer Scaring You? Best Healing Crystals for Cancer:

Healing Crystals for 12 Different Cancers: What I Wish Everyone Knew

If you’re on a natural-remedy-diet in your Cancer Battle, do not ignore your medicines as the power of energy can only work when your body has begun healing than while degenerating. Cancer is downright deadly, scary and the biggest killjoy to life.

The same is the happiness of cancer survivors too, when they battle a World War within themselves and emerge winners.

·         Rose Quartz For Breast Cancer

Eggs Natural Gemstone Bell Chakra Healing Reiki Stone Carved Crafts - AtPerrys Healing Crystals - 1

Do you know 1 in 8 U.S women suffer from breast cancer? It is shocking and that’s why if you know someone with breast cancer, you need to act now. Don’t preach them about crystals, just gift them the crystal and let it do the magic on its own.

Pink and heart are synonymous with breast cancer crystals. The queen of heart crystals and compassion, Rose Quartz is an excellent friend to hold close in your battle against breast cancer. From stress to pain, wearing or massaging this Rose Quartz Egg on your cancerous breast will bring relief and speedy recovery.

Add it as a bonus to your medicines to help it do its job. Rose quartz also gives you the love you might be missing due to the meds and therapy. It helps you be yourself even when your body is fighting the hardest.

·         Hematite For Brain Cancer

Set of 9 Natural Healing Rock Crystal Pendant Necklace [Free Shipping, Save $50] - AtPerrys Healing Crystals - 2

Do you know the median age for brain tumor diagnosis is 60 years? Up to 80,000 new cases of brain tumor is expected this year! If you or someone you love is suffering from it, give them the relief of crystal energy.

Having powerful energy to displace or dissolve malignant brain tumors, hematite can work effectively on diminishing the physical pain in brain cancer patients. When programmed by keeping on the Third Eye or Crown Chakra, this Hematite Pendant detoxifies the brain cells with its anti-inflammatory powers.

Hematite helps in grounding negative thoughts away. That way your brain can work on healing than battling the bad energies surrounding it.

·         Amethyst For Lung Cancer

Amethyst Black Gold Ring - AtPerrys Healing Crystals - 1

We bet you didn’t know this- about 14% of all the new reported cancers are lung cancer! If you had a habit of smoking, you might want to add this crystal to your list of healing stones. Almost the same amount of men and women die from this disease every year!

Rejuvenating the organs is not the only merit of the purple crystal as Amethyst also regenerates failed organs. Victims of chronic tobacco use often comprise the majority of lung cancer patients. Remember to wear this Amethyst Black Gold Ring always on you as it inhibits the growth of cancerous cells in the lungs faster than most healing crystals.

Amethyst is known as the crystal of the lungs. Not only does it help in de-addiction and rehabilitation, amethyst also works by ejecting the tar out of your lungs. It provides a boost for the medicines and prepares your body for recovery.

·         Howlite For Bone Cancer

Chakra Chip Bracelets

This year, about 3,500 new cases of bone cancer are expected to be diagnosed with 1,600 of them terminal. One of the little known cancers, bone cancer puts you through hell and back. If you’re suffering from this, this is for you.

One of the gravest types of cancer, bone marrow cancer can be treated by gaining superhuman strength in your bones. Pristine healing crystals such as howlite introduce a vigorous vitality through your bones, helping it to defend and attack cancerous cells. Gift this Howlite Pendant to your loved one fighting bone cancer without any ado!

Howlite helps to repair your bones by giving you strength and tethering you to the higher realm using your crown chakra energies. You can use it to find recovery!

·         Carnelian For Kidney Cancer

carnelian for cancer

Guess the estimate of kidney cancer diagnosis this year. It’s 73,820! It is recorded as the 6th most common cancer in men and 8th most common in women.

The bright ray of hope to many, Carnelian is a savior for patients of kidney cancer as it alleviates the unbearable pain and malignancy of the disease. When the right crystals are used on the lymph nodes and bladders, our body generates healing vibrations that gradually repairs the nephrons in your kidney. Never take this Carnelian Pendant off if you’re fighting Kidney Cancer or afraid of the same.

Carnelian helps in repairing your lower chakras as it controls the solar plexus and sacral centers in addition to the root. You can tie a patch or place the crystal above the affected area to make it work.

·         Red Garnet For Blood Cancer

5 Stone Garnet Ring

This might be disturbing, but do you know every three minutes, someone is diagnosed with blood cancer around the world? It is one of the worst cancers that spreads quickly. Please gift this to your loved one suffering from blood cancer.

Yet another deadly and diabolic variety of cancer affecting the young to old, Blood Cancer is a fatal warning. In addition to pills and innovative treatments, rubbing this 5-Stone-Red-Garnet Ring on your veins and heart chakra will purify the blood, reinforce the vessels and boost its circulation.

Red garnet is called the blood stone by crystal users for its restorative powers on the heart and the blood. You will feel energetic with a red garnet in your pocket.

·         Red Aventurine For Colon Cancer

19 design Natural Crystal Pendant Black Leather Necklaces - AtPerrys Healing Crystals - 17

Do you know that colon cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S? It is deadline and unknown.

Colon cancer requires heavy-duty detox and fortification of the immune system. If your colon cancer is in the first stage, red aventurine can help you fight it from spreading too. Healing the key areas of the stomach and digestion, this Red Aventurine Pendant eases the pain and boosts the healing process for colon cancer patients.

Red aventurine can help in removing toxins from your body. All you need to do is place it next to a glass of water for four hours and consume the elixir. No need to touch the stone in the water to make an elixir!

·         Amber For Liver Cancer

Gold Big Amber Ring

The estimated deaths due to Liver Cancer this year is recorded at 31,780. If you or your loved one is suffering from it, we hope the crystal brings you relief.

To heal the elimination organs of the body, omnipotent crystal vibrations are necessary to penetrate the liver tissues and heal from within. Rubbing this Amber Ring on your liver area can stop the pain as well as regenerate the cells to form a healthier liver!

Amber will help in opening the sacred chemistry of the universe to save your physical body. All you need to do is create an elixir made of amber without dipping it in water. You can place it next to a glass of water to prepare it. Drink the water to cleanse and rejuvenate your liver.

·         Smoky Quartz For Ovarian Cancer

Natural Smoky Quartz Pendant Pendulum Crystal Healing Necklace - AtPerrys Healing Crystals - 3

Do you know the risk of a woman developing ovarian cancer? 1 in 78!

Healing almost all lower chakra disorders, smoky quartz reduces physical and mental damage due to the cancerous growth in your ovaries. By releasing negative thoughts and blocks, this Smoky Quartz Pendant heals your reproductive tract and prevents cancer from spreading too.

Smoky quartz helps to flush out the toxins from your ovaries and revitalize you back to health. It is a stone to carry in your pants pocket.

·         Pink Tourmaline For Mouth Cancer

Pink Tourmaline 925 Silver Ring - AtPerrys Healing Crystals - 3

With an expected 53,000 diagnoses this year, men suffer from mouth cancer twice as much as women.

Yet another cause of erratic tobacco or substance use via smoking or chewing, Mouth Cancer comes with unbearable spasms too. When used on benign to malignant mouth disorders, tumors and cancers, Pink Tourmaline Ring activates the throat chakra to heal cancer for good!

One of the common cancers, red tourmaline is considered a regeneration stone that can help you.

·         Neon Apatite For Skin Cancer

Wisdom Tree of Life - Handmade 7 Natural Stones Pendant - AtPerrys Healing Crystals - 1

Do you know 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the U.S every day? Affecting 3 million Americans, this is dead-serious.

Removing energy and toxic blockages from the pores in your skin can diminish the chances of cancer and neon apatite does the same. When used concurrently with skin cancer, this Tree of Life Pendant of Neon Apatite can calm your skin and readily absorb nutrients necessary for healing too.

3 Crystals to Gift Someone with Cancer

 Crystals to Gift Someone with Cancer

Is your friend or family member suffering from cancer? We figured out three excellent healing crystals to gift someone with cancer to bring down their pain and suffering. These healing stones are filled with powers to heal and relieve the aftermath or pains of cancer.

·        Black Onyx

Black Onyx Pendant With 925 Sterling Silver Chain   AtPerrys Healing Crystals   1

Regardless of cancer your friend or close one has, black onyx will protect and guard them forever. It is one of the best gifts you can give a person battling with immune disorders such as cancer.

Which Chakra to Aim when using Black Onyx stones for Cancer

Black onyx will energize with the solar plexus chakra, simultaneously ground with the root chakra. The third eye chakra power of black onyx will give the power of intuition when used as healing stones to cure cancer.

Which Zodiac for Black Onyx Crystals are Best Effective for Cancer

Black Onyx is the birthstone of zodiac sign Leo, for those born in in the month of July (20 until 31) to August 21 ( 1 until 21).

·        Peridot

Natural Peridot Earrings - 925 Sterling Silver - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

The stone of higher heart energy is so gentle it will melt away the physical and psychological pain of your friend with cancer. Peridot is considered an ancient therapy for reducing stress and healing from the heart. It heals your cells and fills your mind with happy thoughts by erasing the pain.

Which Chakra to Aim when using Peridot stones for Cancer

Peridot awakens the higher heart chakra, used for happiness, contentment and success in life.

Which Zodiac for Peridot Crystals are Best Effective for Cancer

Peridot is the birthstone of zodiac sign Libra, for those born in the month of September (20 until 31) to September (1 until 21).

·        Malachite

19 design Natural Crystal Pendant Black Leather Necklaces   AtPerrys Healing Crystals   24

Considered one of the best crystals for lung cancer, malachite is the stone of peace too. It will relieve your friend with the cancerous disease and forget about the woes for some time. Malachite will also bring positive transforming within them. It calms the nerves and keeps the mood swings under the best control.

Which Chakra to Aim when using Malachite stones for Cancer

Malachite opens the heart chakra at first. Eventually the gentle healing energies of malachite stones move up to the throat chakra to rejuvenate it.

Which Zodiac for Malachite Crystals are Best Effective for Cancer

Malachite is the birthstone of zodiac sign Libra, for those born in the month of September (20 until 31) to September (1 until 21), Scorpio, for those born in the month of October (20 until 31) to November (1 until 21) and Capricorn, for those born in the month of December (20 until 31) to January (1 until 21).

5 Crystals for Cancer and Chemo 

Crystals for Cancer and Chemo

Cancer is a deadly disease. That’s why, you need healing crystals for cancer and chemo to help your healing with chakra powers. It can be tough at first, but once you sign up for crystal healing for cancer, gemstones will bring the energy of the three worlds to heal you. Get started right NOW!

·        Citrine

Bee Citrine Charm Bracelet - 925 Sterling Silver - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

The best crystal for chemotherapy, citrine helps you relax and unwind easily. It prepares your physical body and mind to ready-up for the cleansing. Citrine has been used widely for gut and brain related cancers. It powers the ethereal crown chakra along with solar plexus to charge your chakra points that revitalize your cells to defeat cancer.

The yellow gemstone for cancer and chemo activates your aura energies to communicate with the higher selves for healing. Use it as a pendant or ring, but keep cleansing it with a howlite at least four times every day.

How to Use Citrine Stones for Cancer

  • Purify citrine stone with howlite.
  • Place the citrine stone of the sacral, crown or solar plexus chakra.
  • Chant the below mantra.

Affirmation to Charge Citrine Crystals for Chemo

“I will conquer my cancer by having a strong chemo session with the help of my Citrine powers”.

·        Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Pink Ring - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

You need patience and a lot of love to get over the pain of chemo when cancer is your friend. Rose quartz penetrates the heart to heal and beckon sunshine. Rose Quartz can brighten your days with smiles, love and miracles you never thought could exist.

As it powers the heart chakra, rose quartz is considered best for blood and heart related cancers. If cancer is wrecking your sanity or you’re more irritable than ever, rose quartz can stabilize you.

How to Use Rose Quartz Stones for Cancer

  • Purify Rose Quartz stone with clear quartz.
  • Place the Rose Quartz stone of the solar plexus chakra.
  • Chant the below affirmation.

Affirmation to Charge Rose Quartz Crystals for Chemo

“I will defeat my cancer by having a stabilizing chemo session with the help of my Rose Quartz powers”.

·        Emerald

Emerald 18K Gold Plated Silver Ring - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

Yet another powerful heart chakra stone of love, Emerald is a famous stone throughout history. It could heal the eye and all the five senses faster than any other elixir. It is ruled by the planet Mercury and is the birthstone of the Zodiac cancer too.

Emerald crystals for cancer work by hacking the patient’s emotional center. Nero’s stone can hypnotize the looker and take them to a cozy land of dreams. Better than anesthesia, emerald 

How to Use Emerald Stones for Cancer

  • Purify Emerald stone with selenite.
  • Place the Emerald stone of the solar plexus chakra.
  • Chant the below chant.

Affirmation to Charge Emerald Crystals for Chemo

“I will battle my cancer by having a deep healing chemo session with the help of my Emerald powers”.

·        Green Aventurine

Triangle Gem Stone Healing Chakra Pendant   matans

With cancer comes insurmountable pains and painkillers. That’s why, green aventurine can help by engulfing the pain out of the cancerous life. It is quick and healing due to the gentle heart chakra energies.

You must remember that the Heart chakra stone is powerful enough to erase the sadness from the cancer patient and fill it with a sea of happiness. It works by clearing out the blocked negative energy which is growing as a tumor within your body.

How to Use Green Aventurine Stones for Cancer

  • Purify Green Aventurine stone with howlite.
  • Place the Green Aventurine stone of the solar plexus chakra.
  • Chant the below saying.

Affirmation to Charge Green Aventurine Crystals for Chemo

“I will squash my cancer by having an effective chemo session with the help of my Green Aventurine powers”.

·        Sugilite

Luxury Multi Ring - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

A powerful stone of great mysteries, sugilite helps in detoxifying your body and replenishing the cells lost to cancer. Sugilite can help you shake off the disease and make your cancer recovery faster. In order to do so, sugilite mantras must be daily recited for programming powers.

Sugilite stones for cancer and chemo works by energizing your chakras to flush out the cancer cells with cleansing energy from the cosmos. It brings down the inflammations when regularly used as a naturalistic remedy for brain tumors.

How to Use Sugilite Stones for Cancer

  • Purify Sugilite stone with clear quartz.
  • Place the Sugilite stone of the solar plexus chakra.
  • Chant the below programming.

Affirmation to Charge Sugilite Crystals for Chemo

“I will win over my cancer by having a detoxifying chemo session with the help of my Sugilite powers”.

5 Crystals for Cancer Prevention

Crystals for Cancer Prevention

Cancer is not a monster that comes uninvited. Every time you eat more-than-you-can-take spice, salt, sugar or any food, beverage or smoke, you’re belling down the monster called cancer. It’s not too late to change your ways. Turn to crystals for cancer prevention and start living a healthy and energetic life that makes other envious!

·        Green Tourmaline

Popular as the earth energy stone, green tourmaline brings joy to the heart. If you want crystals for cancer jewelry, green tourmaline can protect you and prevent your cancer from coming back. It is ideal for blood cancer as green tourmaline powers up the heart chakra. Use it as a pendant on your heart chakra to remove your fears against cancer.

Where to Keep Green Tourmaline Crystals for Preventing Cancer

The wood energy crystal for cancer healing must be placed in the Eastern corner of your home for health and wellbeing against cancer.

Best Way to Use Green Tourmaline Crystals for Preventing Cancer

  1. Find your Sacred Space.
  2. Sit Down.
  3. Keep the green tourmaline crystals on the heart
  4. Meditate Preventing Cancer for five minutes.

·        Chrysocolla

Healing Crystal Handbook: Turquoise

An effective stone for healing crucial illnesses such as cancer, chrysocolla helps you protect against cancers too. You must wear it on your throat if you’re worried about respiratory cancers due to smoking. Chrysocolla can also attract happiness and colors to your life by erasing chances of getting cancer.

Where to Keep Chrysocolla Stones for Cancer Protection

The water energy stones for cancer protection must be kept in the Northern Area of the house to save yourself from downs in life.

Best Way to Use Chrysocolla Stones for Cancer Protection

  1. Find your Sacred Space.
  2. Sit comfortably.
  3. Place the Chrysocolla crystals on throat chakra.
  4. Visualize cancer protection for five minutes.

·        Lapis Lazuli

Tiger Eye, Lion & Owl Bracelet - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

The stone of wonders, Lapis Lazuli helps you dream and manifest the dreams of health. It is excellent to vocalize your powers and stay away from all types of cancer. Crystal patches using lapis lazuli are considered the best answers for cancers affecting specific areas.

Use Lapis Lazuli crystals for astral projection and cosmic travel to unravel life ahead.

Where to Keep Lapis Lazuli gemstones for Staying Away from Cancer

The water energy gems for preventing cancer works the best when placed in Northern Areas of the house.

Best Way to Use Lapis Lazuli gemstones for Staying Away from Cancer

  1. Find your Sacred Space.
  2. Relax Calmly.
  3. Safely place the Lapis Lazuli crystals on Throat chakra.
  4. Meditate Staying Away from Cancer for five minutes.

·        Selenite

Renowned as the liquid light crystal, Selenite brings home of the healing powers of divination. You can use selenite crystal programming to heal all kinds of cancer. It helps to see into the future as well. Prominently used on crown chakra, selenite can keep the tumors and symptoms of cancers away from you.

Use selenite in your bedroom or under the bed protection to keep the evil away when you’re sleeping.

Where to Keep Selenite crystals for protection against cancer

It is best to place the selenite gems in the northern area of your home to prevent diseases like cancer from harming you.

Best Way to Use Selenite crystals for protection against cancer

  1. Find your Sacred Space.
  2. Breathe Calmly.
  3. Keep the Selenite crystals on the crown chakra.
  4. Visualize protection against cancer for five minutes.

·        Turquoise

Tree of Life Turquoise Pendant - Handmade Copper Wire Wrapped - AtPerry's Healing Crystals™

If you feel as if you’re lacking the courage to accept your disease and find the right therapy, turquoise can help you. It is an immunity-imparting stone that helps to make the wearer strong. If you’re afraid of cancer, there is no better prevent it by wearing turquoise pendants on your neck.

Where to Keep Cancer Prevention with Turquoise 

As turquoise is a water energy stone, it can heal your diseases and prevent it from reaching you when kept in the northern area of your home or office.

Best Way to Use Crystals for Cancer Prevention with Turquoise 

  1. Find your Sacred Space.
  2. Stay Calm.
  3. Place the green tourmaline crystals on the throat chakra.
  4. Meditate Cancer Prevention with Turquoise for five minutes.

Before you go …

Healing Crystals for 12 Different Cancers: What I Wish Everyone Knew

It goes without saying that Crystals are for the extra support and never avoid your doctor’s medication during treatments, benign or malignant for crystal healing. When combined crystals can make fighting cancer a cakewalk, not to forget, metamorphose you into a ‘Goddess too!

Let us know all about battling cancer with or without crystals below because we would be honored to salute you in person.

 Stay powerful.

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