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Pink Crystal Meanings, Powers and Uses

Pink Crystal Meanings, Powers and Uses

What are pink crystals? How different are they from red crystals? Explore the complete guide on Pink Healing Crystals from chakra to the zodiac and metaphysical healing and mantras. This is all you need to activate pink healing crystal energies. Ready to unlock the healing crystals of love and compassion? We’ve added the positive affirmations for each crystal to help you activate the pink gemstones quickly!

Gemstones by Color: Pink Healing Crystals

Pink Crystals Blog Update

What is Pink Personality?

For most people who love and adore pink, their personality can also be pink. For a person of pink personality, the defining characteristics are love and care. They are concerned about the people around them unlike purple personality where the chief characteristics is higher consciousness.

Pink personality people radiate soft and gentle energies.

Color Meaning Of Pink Crystal

Pink is often used to represent, heart, love, romance and happiness with the heart chakra. When you talk about pink crystal, it is the epitome of love and romance. It can bring joy and prosperity if you use it correctly too. The delicate hue represents softness and fragility too.

Pink color meaning is tenderness and compassion as well. It can teach lessons of kindness like no other color of crystal. It is the stone of humanity!  

Chakra Of Pink Crystal

Gemstones by Color: Pink Healing Crystals

Heart chakra is the core source of power for pink crystal. It governs your blood circulation and emotional intelligence. Pink chakra of heart can help you unlock divine love in the nature and people around you. It can bring your soulmate closer and manifest your deepest dreams.

Pink chakra of heart is located above your physical heart. It helps you connect with people to become an empath and a leader. Pink is the color of generosity and humanitarian virtues too.

Higher Chakras are also sometimes awakened by pink crystals. Third eye chakra located in between your brows give intuition when opened by pink gemstones. You can also unlock throat chakra by mixing it with a crystal pairing using pink stones. Heart helps you get energy and enthusiasm in physical life too. It gives you courage and teaches you the art of letting go.  

Zodiac Of Pink Healing Crystal

Gemini is the central zodiac power of pink crystals. If you’re one, pink crystals will help you gain wisdom and concentration. It helps your boredom and will keep you enthusiastic. You won’t be absent minded anymore if you have a pink stone with you. Inconsistency and laziness will disappear from your life.  

Taurus is the second zodiac sign that opens up with the power of pink crystal. Taureans are reliable generally, but sometimes, they can be possessive. From jealousy to envy, many evil energies can creep into their aura. You need the power of rose crystals because it makes you gentle and soft.

Aquarius is also one of the zodiac signs that benefit from the use of pink healing crystals. Although Aqurians are genuine, they can be very stubborn. To broaden your perspective and find more kindness in life, pink gemstones will help. It can help you become softer and empathic. You won’t be rebelling with everything and everyone you meet.

Sagittarius is the last zodiac sign that must wear pink crystals. Your nature of blindly believing everything or being over positive will disappear. Pink stones help you make rations and logical decisions in your career and love life.

  1. Garnet is a sacral chakra crystal often used with pink crystals for passionate romance.
  2. Ruby is another heart chakra gemstone often used to enhance the libido and physical attractions.
  3. Clear Quartz is a purifying crystal often used to relieve mental agonies.
  4. Pearls are another clan of healing stones from the bed of the ocean and hence gives calmth when used with pink crystals.  
  5. Diamonds are the strongest gemstone that offers confidence and trust when used with heart chakra crystals.

Healing Properties of Pink Crystal

Gemstones by Color: Pink Healing Crystals

What are the advantages of using pink healing crystals? For those using pink stones or crystals, the following metaphysical powers and qualities of pink crystals will startle you! Explore the physical, spiritual and emotional healing powers of pink crystals.

·        Physical Healing of Pink Healing Crystal

Pink crystals activate the chakra of the heart and hence are ideal for a variety of heart related disorders. It can cure many blood diseases and improve the stamina of the wearer. Moreover, pink crystals also bring down bad cholesterol and blood pressure.

·        Emotional Healing of Pink Crystals

For those going through breakup, divorce or separation, pink crystals can help. It is capable of getting over heartaches and guilt to seek forgiveness. When used regularly, you can also attract your true love with pink stones. Gemstones in pink color also boost compassion and kindness in the wearer.  

·        Spiritual Healing of Pink Crystal

From a divine connection with your guardian angel to attracting the soulmate, pink healing crystals are incredibly powerful. It can help you create love potions and love spells that churns harmony. The peace giving pink gemstones are also ideal for feng shui as well.

7 Pink Gemstones to Use in Everyday Life

Gemstones by Color: Pink Healing Crystals

If you’ve been wondering which the best healing crystals are in pink shades for use in daily life, we’ve got the complete list. Use these crystals for programming, elixir or massages to enhance their activation powers. Explore the true healing powers of pink healing crystals now.  

1.      Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Gold Plated Necklace

Rose Quartz Gold Plated Necklace; $32 USD

Pink gemstone of ultimate powers, pink healing crystal rose quartz is a superb crystal for all types of heart chakra problems. It can attract your true love and get rid of heartaches from the past. Rose Quartz also helps you forgive your oppressors with an open heart. Connect with your guardian angel by wearing pink healing crystals on your heart.

How to Program your Heart Chakra with Rose Quartz

  • Take a Rose Quartz
  • Point it at the Heart Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m love. Everything around me makes me lovable”.

2.      Pink Fire Opal

Pink Fire Opal Rose Gold Earrings

The heart of romance and divine love that permeates the universe, Pink Fire Opal is a stone of fiery love. It can bring alive your lost passion and libido in seconds. If you want a pink gemstone that acts quickly to attract your love or activate the heart chakras, pink opal is the stone you need.

How to Program your Heart Chakra with Pink Fire Opal

  • Take a Pink Fire Opal
  • Point it at the Heart Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m fire. Everything around me blazes my love”.

3.      Pink Tourmaline

Antique Gold Plated Pink Tourmaline Crystal Turkish Jewelry Set (Necklace, Ring & Earrings)

Antique Gold Plated Pink Tourmaline Crystal Turkish Jewelry Set; $45.95 USD

Another healing crystal of love, pink tourmaline envelops you in ultimate love. It is a crystal that gets you the love you deserve. Pink tourmaline helps in attracting your true love. Once used as a love talisman, you can wear pink tourmaline to find your true love and be noticeable to him.

How to Program your Heart Chakra with Pink Tourmaline

  • Take a Pink Tourmaline
  • Point it at the Heart Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m ultimate love. Everything around me centralizes my powers of love”.

4.      Rhodonite

Assorted Healing Crystal Earrings and Pendant Set (PENDANT ONLY NO CHAIN INCLUDED)
Rhodonite Healing Crystal Earrings and Pendant Set; $29.95 USD

Another healing crystal filled with heart chakra energy, rhodonite is a compassion stone. It can be used for romantic and familial love. The manganese silicate stone is often seen as a blend of black and pink shades and is perfect for expecting mothers.

How to Program your Heart Chakra with Rhodonite

  • Take a Rhodonite
  • Point it at the Heart Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m kindness. Everything around me makes my kindle in love”.

5.      Ruby

Punk Style Hot Design Stainless Steel Ruby Claw Ring
Punk Style Hot Design Stainless Steel Ruby Claw Ring; $31.95 USD

Pink ruby is yet another unique stone filled with the power of heart chakra. It can make you fall in love and realize new frontiers of your relationship. Ruby is a stone for growing couples and can be used to double your passion for each other.

How to Program your Heart Chakra with Ruby

  • Take a Ruby
  • Point it at the Heart Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m passion. Everything around me enhances my feelings”.

6.      Rhodochrosite

A stone much like rhodonite, rhodochrosite is powerful to attract romantic love than that of family. It harmonizes the vibes around by helping you understand each other. In addition to connecting your wavelengths, rhodochrosite also makes the wearer and people around, humble.

How to Program your Heart Chakra with Rhodochrosite

  • Take a Rhodochrosite
  • Point it at the Heart Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m compassion. Everything around me makes me humble”.

7.      Pink Fluorite

Natural Fluorite Quartz Crystal Wand   AtPerrys Healing Crystals   3

Natural Fluorite Quartz Crystal Wand; $30 USD

Yet another pink gemstone full of love energy, pink fluorite is a stone of many feats. It empowers love and helps to protect it from the evil of infidelity. Pink fluorite in the bedroom is ideal as a feng shui pink healing crystal too.

How to Program your Heart Chakra with Pink Fluorite

  • Take a Pink Fluorite
  • Point it at the Heart Chakra
  • Vocalize the affirmation “I’m nurturing. Everything around me nourishes me”.

Before You Go …

From how to use pink healing crystals to when to use, we have described the complete metaphysical and astrological powers of pink gemstones. Ask our experts if you have doubts about pink healing crystals right below!

Which pink healing crystal from the below made you feel loved? Tell us in the comments.

Stay powerful

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