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11 Tips To Avoid Failure In Healing Crystals For Anger

11 Tips To Avoid Failure In Healing Crystals For Anger

Anger is not an emotion; it is the result of an emotion. If you’re weak at controlling or stopping your anger, you need crystals that help you calm down. We know gemstones to ground your anger and quickly make your mind cool. This works by affecting on your crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. Ready to get started?

11 Effective Healing Crystals For Anger That Work Quickly

Toning down anger is integral for normal functioning. That’s why you must try different crystals to find which one you bond the most with. If you’re searching for crystals for anger and frustration, we can help you out!

1.      Howlite Ring To Control Anger

Chakra Chip Bracelets
Howlite Chakra Chip Bracelets; $17.90 USD 

Howlite is the stone of peace, empowerment, and truth. Natural howlite crystal ring to control anger works when cleansed. All you need to do is wear the ring with the stone touching your skin.

Which is the chakra to activate with Howlite Ring?

Crown chakra

How to Use Howlite Ring to Control Anger

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Wear the Howlite ring
  • Imagine the anger dissipating from your crown chakra.

2.      Blue Lace Agate Stones For Anger Control

blue lace agate

The stone of emotional makeover, Blue Lace Agate is the medicine for love and pain. It can show you parts of yourself and the world which you cannot otherwise decipher. Your anger will disappear in less than 5 minutes!

Which is the chakra to activate Blue Lace Agate Stones?

Throat Chakra

How to Use Blue Lace Agate Stones for Anger Control

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Place the Blue Lace Agate ring on your throat chakra
  • Imagine the anger dissipating from.

3.      Amethyst Crystal Anger Stopping  

11 Tips To Avoid Failure In Healing Crystals For Anger

When scriptures wrote about Amethyst, they included all the details about how to use it for metaphysical powers. Amethyst crystals can stop your rage in a few seconds. If you’re arguing or losing your temper, grab your amethyst for five seconds! You will feel shaky for 2 seconds, but you will be fine after 3!

Which is the chakra to activate with Amethyst Crystal?

Crown chakra

How to Use Amethyst Crystal Anger Stopping?

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your Amethyst.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Point the Amethyst at your crown chakra.
  • The anger will dissipater QUICKLY!

4.      Smoky Quartz Crystals For Anger And Rage

Smoky Quartz

Another stone for removing confusions and flooding your brain with wisdom, smoky quartz is vital for people preparing for special events. It will give you full concentration and prevent your temper from getting spilled!

Which is the chakra to activate with Smoky Quartz?

Crown Chakra

How to Use Smoky Quartz Crystals for Anger and Rage

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Rub your crown chakra with Smoky Quartz.
  • The anger will be gone in 30 seconds!

5.      Peridot Crystals For Anger


A beautiful heart chakra stone renowned distinctly for transforming hearts, peridot can broaden your perspective. Besides redoing your understanding, peridot gemstones for anger cools you

Which is the chakra to activate with Peridot?

Heart Chakra

How to use Peridot Crystals for Anger

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Wear the Peridot ring and vent your anger out.
  • Now chant ‘I’m in control. I’m calm’ four times.

6.      Red Jasper Best Healing Stone For Anger

Natural Red Jasper Pyramid for Healing
Natural Red Jasper Pyramid; $22.99 USD

The balanced energy that helps you find your destiny, red jasper is perfect stone for anger as it helps you eject the anger by grounding. The powerful base chakra energy will also empower you to seek out the truth.

Which is the chakra to activate with Red Jasper?

Root Chakra

How to Use Red Jasper Best Healing Stone for Anger

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Use your Red Jasper to cleanse root chakra.
  • Meditate for ten minutes.

7.      Rose Quartz crystals For Anger Management

rose quartz in hands

One of the crucial heart chakra stones for those suffering from fear, paranoia and neurotic breakdowns, Rose quartz makes you feel at home. It is the stone of warmth and understanding for shy or introverted people who seldom find friends.

Which is the chakra to activate with Rose Quartz?

Heart chakra

How to Use Rose Quartz Anger Management

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Make an elixir with Rose Quartz.
  • Now soak it under the energy of full moonlight.

8.      Carnelian Anger Stone


As deep as its red veins of healing, Carnelian is an anger stone that Adele loves too. Adele aside, Carnelian can get rid of nervousness and anger born from stress. It makes you enthusiastic and full of positive energy.

Which is the chakra to activate with Carnelian?

Solar Plexus and Root

How to Use Carnelian Anger Stone

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Wear the Carnelian jewelry or place the stone on the sacral chakra.
  • Chant your affirmations without filtering for ten minutes.

9.      Ruby Crystals For Frustration


Often prescribed for anxiety, ruby crystals for frustration is an effective remedy for women. It stabilizes the emotional drive that comes with anger. If you’re suffering extreme PMS symptoms, you need ruby two weeks before your cycle stars. Keep it close for better healing!

Which is the chakra to activate with Ruby Crystals?

Heart and Root chakras

How to Use Ruby Crystals for Frustration

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • You need to meditate or do long yoga sessions with ruby to bond with it.
  • After that, close your eyes while clasping ruby stone for ten seconds during frustrating times to get rid of the anger.

10. Citrine Crystals For Rage

citrine and other crystals in bowls

A crystal with multi-chakra properties, citrine gemstones are ideal remedies for rage because they work quickly and deep on the nerves. The higher and mid chakra stone can immediately make you feel safe too. Use it to counter the frequent little bouts of rage that disrupt your peace and social life.

Which is the chakra to activate with Citrine?

Crown and Solar Plexus chakras

How to Use Citrine Crystals for Rage

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Place or smudge the Citrine on your crown chakra.
  • Vent out your rage mentally by holding citrine on top of the head.

11. Blue Kyanite Crystals For Anger and Arguments


One of the gentle stones for empowering yourself, blue Kyanite can help you communicate thoughts clearly. It is a stone for people who can’t clear themselves due to anger. Using the crystals of blue will also help you gain powers of empaths.

Which is the chakra to activate with Blue Kyanite?

Third Eye and Throat Chakras

How to Use Blue Kyanite Crystals for Anger and Arguments

  • When you’re feeling angry, pick your howlite.
  • Cleanse it with Clear Quartz.
  • Wear the Howlite ring and imagine the anger dissipating from your crown chakra.

Before you go …

Feeling exhausted? Use crystals for anger to get rid of your negativity. It can turn toxic quickly, we’re warning you!

Tell us which healing crystal for rage and anger worked for you from above!

Read more on Healing Crystals Anger Issues!

Stay powerful~

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