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Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Hooked

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Hooked

According to Healing Crystals_101, Auras represent one’s emotions, which is clear only when you allot colors to your emotions.

What are Auras?

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

Healing crystals are living embodiments of Mother Nature’s powers. Scientifically put, each of us associates specific colors with our moods, which collectively forms an aura. Synonymous with Chameleons of the Color Spectrum, Gemstones can tap into our individual auras and better it easily by altering the colors associated with each aura!

The Truth on How Gemstones Alter, Modify and Regulate Auras

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

By tapping into the auras of individuals using gemstones, you activate specific chakras to trigger the energy flow to alter or deepen your aura. Colored crystals are the panacea as it resolves a disease by diagnosing it duly.

Chromotherapy or color healing comprises of trending healing rituals using color coded gemstones to alter, modify or control the aura. Most of us associate colors with emotions, which forms one’s aura and that which can be used for emotional healing effectively. According to ancient scriptures, our forefathers regularly partook in the color bathing where individuals have ushered into rooms of specific colors to raise, heal or modify the aura.

One can raise or heal the Aura by drinking water infused with specific crystals that have been exposed to sunlight. Bathing to surrounding oneself around the right colors, there are multifarious ways to immerse oneself in healing auras.

7 Chakra Colors to Raise Your Aura using Crystals

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

If you’ve been told that you’ve changed by people around you or have observed indifference around you, your aura must be in distress.  Crystals are stones that are energized with the life force, but unlike ordinary stones, healing crystals feel and breathe just like all of us.

We are compiling our color code based on the Seven Chakras although there are much more combinations and colors to explore for chromotherapy.

·         Violet

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

A color that instills visions in the wearer, purple and lavender stones also ensure in emanating a relaxed aura from the wearer.

1.      Common Names:

The Great Visionary, Dream Color, and Shade of Soundest Sleep;

2.      Chakra:

Lavender colored stones have exceptional ability to control the Crown Chakra to Alter your Subconscious!

3.      Physical Effects

Violet crystals are capable of eradicating many diseases including cancer, sleep apnea, nervous disorders and terminal illnesses in addition to minor injuries. A grounding color, lavender increases focus and attention span of the wearer too.

4.      Metaphysical Effects:

From opening your eyes to acceptance and higher realms, lavender crystals are also an excellent medium to contact angelic realm. From heightened communication with your inner self to sensitivity and creativity, Purple crystals introduce etheric energies to uplift self-confidence and esteem.

·         Indigo

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

The color indigo can be used to calm any aggravated aura through its enlightening energy.

1.      Common Names

Purifying Color, Shade of Freedom and the Color of Holy Spirit;

2.      Chakra

Third Eye Chakra is activated by wearing or programming indigo colored crystals in between your eyebrows.

3.      Physical Effects:

Indigo crystals help in healing diseases of the immune system, headaches, nausea, motion sickness, minor cuts and burns. For those who lack balance or suffer from Vertigo, Indigo crystals can help!

4.      Metaphysical Effects:

A soothing color energy that resonates with the third eye chakra and grounds the wearer, Indigo healing crystals possesses the power of Spirit to fill the wearer with hope in the direst of situations too. 

·         Blue

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

An exceptional color that heals with touch, blue energy comforts your disturbed aura and heals harms to it quickly!

1.      Common Names:

Icy Blue, Natural Antiseptic, Cooling Shade, Master Healer and Truth Seeker;

2.      Chakra

By wearing lavender crystals or clothes on your Throat or Vishuddha Chakra, you strengthen your inner voice of will too.

3.      Physical Effects

By clarifying the disorders of the throat, lungs and respiratory system, Blue colored crystals behave as astringents and antiseptic on injuries and remove disorders of the throat. Most diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat are curable by Blue Crystals, especially inflammation of the larynx.

4.      Metaphysical Effects:

If you’ve felt like you have no voice, blue crystals can help in bringing your voice to the surface. A stone that improves communication skills, blue colored gemstones are excellent for communicating your subconscious as well as for comfort and calmth after traumatic incidents.

·         Green

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

The shade of progress and evolution, green colors help in soothing, calming and setting the aura of the wearer at ease, in any panicky situation!

1.      Common Names:

The Stabilizer, Tint of Progress and Ultimate Harmonizer;

2.      Chakra

By releasing the suppressed energy of the Heart Chakra, Green colored stones help in understanding reality and adjusting the best to it.

3.      Physical Effects

Heart Chakra can be activated and use to amplify relief to Pain, distress, Anger, Erectile Dysfunction, Impotency and Cholesterol. The powerful energy can increase the stamina of the wearer too.

4.      Metaphysical Effects:

A healing chakra energy that helps you in loosening up if your heart has been too cold, Green color works well against depression, low self-esteem, inferiority complex and dishonesty.

·         Yellow

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

Representing an aide for those with auras lacking warmth, yellow-colored crystals can fill you with happiness and thirst for wisdom.

1.      Common Names

Mind Color, Bright Ray of Wisdom, Color of Honesty and Elixir of Enrichment;

2.      Chakra

By activating the Solar Plexus Chakra, yellow crystals are particularly helpful for those suffering from stomach problems and imbalance in the diet.

3.      Physical Effects

Yellow Crystals are capable of healing disorders of the brain, nerves, liver, intestines, and minor cuts and burns. Ideal for boosting the recovery rate, yellow-colored crystals also help in brightening the skin tone by alleviating clogged pores.

4.      Metaphysical Effects:

By emanating contentment, joy and positivity around the wearer, Yellow crystals impart a sense of impulsiveness too. Wearing yellow crystals on your higher chakras also helps in resolving willpower failure and seeking enlightenment or protection from the evil eye.

·         Orange

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

A color used to uplift one’s mood, orange also powers up the aura and self-confidence of the wearer.  

1.      Common Names

Shade of Faith, Ray of Wisdom and the Great Appetizer;

2.      Chakra

Orange color activates the Sacral Chakra, which is also the source of your Kundalini energy or the life force that keeps your other chakras activated.

3.      Physical Effects

From libido to healing from reproductive disorders including infertility, orange colored gemstone can also boost your passion and creativity in everyday life.

4.      Metaphysical Effects:

Orange fills the brain with jaw dropping ideas in addition to enlightenment and open-mindedness. Wearing orange or immersing yourself in the color is a calming and comforting experience too.

·         Red

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

A color that instills the wearer with emotions such as passion, dedication and enthusiasm, Red also lifts the aura to be more confident and liberal.

1.      Common Names

Harbinger of Passion, Vitality Therapy, Ray of Life, Father of Vigor and Mother of Passion;

2.      Chakra

By activating the Root Chakra or Mooladhara, Red colored crystals ground the wearer strongly in their goals and commitments.

3.      Physical Effects

Red crystals stand for the fire of passion, productivity, heightened dedication and creativity. Wearing red on your root chakra will also alleviate heart and blood disorders in the wearer.

4.      Metaphysical Effects:

In addition to raising the wearer’s body temperature, red colors also help in voicing one’s repressed emotions as well as venting out anger. By healing the heart and its emotional baggage, red is a must-have color you must carry with you.

Before you go …

Learning Crystal Aura Colors Can Be Addictive. Here's How You Can Get Yourself Hooked

Healing crystals tonic or solarized water is the most noteworthy tip to begin an aura cleansing session with your favorite crystals. Remember to pick up crystals that comply with your aura or emotions that you’re hunting to reintegrate with!

Read more on 12 Crystals to choose based on the power of colors ...

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