From the Great Alexander to Queen Elizabeth II and Cleopatra, there has been a long line of emerald lovers in history.

Emerald added meaning to the hypnotic beauty of growth and was called ‘marakata’ or ‘the green of growth’ in Sanskrit. Emerald captures the gorgeous shamrock and adds a hypnotic appeal to your aura.
Also renowned as the stone of abundant love, emerald also brings success in romance to the wearer. When worn as a pendant or jewelry around the neck, Emerald is known to prevent epilepsy according to Aristotle’s notes. Christianity refers to emerald as the crystal of luck and blessings and science of today calls the ‘Mood Stone’.
The higher heart chakra stone in a mesmerising green, emerald scares the evil spirits away. It is a stone of logical reasoning and pragmatism. Emerald motivates you to think and succeed on your own potential.
How does it work like that? Emerald has the power to boost your blood circulation and enhance your energy. It then balances your energies and hormones to help you ground the negativity that has affected you.
Wearing emerald as a ring dispels energy attacks from your aura. It can be used a protection stone with a root chakra stone. Emerald attracts prosperity and harmony in to life. It settles the feuds and clears yours slate to the universe. The deep green gem of beauty is also one that attracts fame and fortune. Physically, emerald makes you healthier by treating your allergies and boosting your immunity. Metaphysically, emerald awakens the powers of angel Raphael. It can make you faithful and confident by keeping your heart chakra in check when worn as a pendant.
Besides the chakra powers, emerald is ruled by multiple planets and goddess energies. That’s why it is easy to bond with emerald, irrespective of the star you were born under. It embraces every energy and transforms it into positive vibrations. If you’re having troubling connecting with your subconscious, emerald can help when kept under the pillow during sleep. It works through dreams.
Another little-known benefit of emerald is how it protects pregnant mothers. Emerald has traces of Gaia energies that convenes the nature to prevent harm if you’re carrying a baby. For women suffering from sexual disorders and infertility, emerald can rekindle your fertility. Wear it as a jewelry so that you are always in tune with the heart chakra.
The fan craze of emerald did not start just a few trends back, but emerald has been glowing the growth of green into humanity since 4000 B.C!
· Names
Popular through history in various names, the ones I could find are Beryl, Marakata, Green Beryl, and Divine Stone. Smaradagus was the name used for emeralds in the Bible.
· Hardness on the Mohs Scale
Emerald is a strong stone. It is durable that rose quartz with 8.0 on the Mohs scale. This means you can treasure emerald jewelry for generations without damage!
· Origin
Emerald is found in various regions around the world such as Colombia, Afghanistan, Canada, Ukraine, South Africa, USA, Zimbabwe, Brazil, India, Australia, Columbia, Egypt, and Austria.
· Represents God
- Venus: Greek goddess of beauty and love;
- Annapurna: Hindu Goddess of Food;
- Astarte: Phoenician Goddess of Fertility;
- Persephone: Greek Goddess of Spring;
- Banbha, Eriu, and Fodla: 3 Celtic Goddesses of Sovereignty;
· Zodiac
The January birth sign of Capricorn is considered best to work with emerald. Emerald makes you a leader if you’re a Capricorn. Emerald is also the birthstone of zodiac sign cancer. It helps you succeed and attract luck, in your case.
· Planet
Ruled by the Moon, emerald is the best stone for mothers, fathers, older siblings and people working in the service sector because it elevates your compassion and empathy.
· Color energies
You can find emerald in colors such as Dark Green, pale green, intense green, rayon, black, olivine and red.
· Numerical Vibration
The lucky number for emerald wearers in number 4 because the gem vibrates to this digit.
· Chakra
Two chakras are awakened by the energy of emeralds- heart chakra located in your chest and the solar plexus chakra around your stomach. Heart chakra cultivates love and solar plexus health.
· Metaphysical Meanings of Various Types of Emerald
Stone of Great Teachers, Emerald naturally forms from beryl. The characteristic green color of the stone owes it to the presence of chromium oxide, iron and vanadium. Differing in colors from yellow to blue-green with a glossy texture, an emerald hypnotizes the looker into its great green depths.
It is no joke that you cannot avoid the trance of emerald once you look into it. A soft gemstone, emerald is seen in opaque to transparent textures.
1. Columbian Emeralds
Often seen with a halo of black streaks, Columbian Emeralds are also seen with strikes of marine green colors. The exquisite healing crystal is mined from Andes mountain ranges in Columbia and is easy to recognize with its intense deep glassy colors of green to soft greenish blue.
A unique category of Colombian emerald that weighs high and is also the finest, is called Chalk Emeralds.
2. Bixbite
Commonly referred to as red emerald, bixbite emanates a pinkish red tint with and rose streaks. Bixbite is often referred to as red beryl in different parts of the world. The raspberry emerald owes it trademark red shade to the presence of manganese.
3. Brown Grey African Emerald
A peculiar emerald in olivine shade, brown-grey emerald is mined from places like Zambia and Namibia. Brown Grey African emerald was even believed as another stone through history. When viewed under incandescent light, African Emerald looks bluish too.
With fewer inclusions than typical emeralds, African emeralds made the healing stones first affordable to the layman.
4. Brazilian Emerald
Available in a variety of greens, Brazilian Emerald has a unique tint of pale green to blue shades with black streaks. Resembling a pale turquoise to aquatic agate, Brazilian emerald is used to refer to green tourmaline as well.
5. Cat’s eye Emerald
One of the most captivating emerald stones with a white cat-eye slit through the middle or chatoyancy is the fundamental way to recognize a cat’s eye emerald. Renowned to increase sharpness and open-mindedness, Cat’s Eye emerald is often seen in Colombian Mines.
6. Trapiche Emerald
Also referred to as the Star Emerald, the black impurities in the Trapiche stone make a six ray star. The spoke-like black thick pattern in trapiche emeralds are unique and mined from Muzo mounts of Colombia. Trapiche emeralds also project a centrally located black hexagon, often explained by the remnants of shale.
7. Synthetic Emerald

Spanning from red to blue, black and yellow, synthetic emerald is available in natural shades too. Not so rare as emeralds, synthetic emeralds are grown using the hydrothermal process using synthetic corundum and beryl.
Synthetic emeralds are sporadically available in the market since the 1960s!
· Physical Effects of Emerald
A guardian stone that also resets your biological clock, emerald is an anti-inflammatory stone that can sure chronic allergies too. By empowering organs such as kidneys, reproductive organs, colons, stomach, heart, intestines and neurotransmitters, Emerald filters out the toxins quickly.
Emerald is an essential stone for those who suffer from erratic blood pressure to asthmatic attacks, neuralgia and even cancer. Emerald can penetrate the skin cells and cure many severe illnesses by activating the Solar Plexus and Heart chakra.
Regular wearing of emerald also dispels dysentery, anemia, skin rashes and seasonal illnesses.
· Spiritual Effects of Emerald
The garden-like inclusions and black stars and hexagonal vortex within emeralds were the primal reason it was hunted for in the earlier ages. Emerald prepares the wearer to bear the gifts and guidance of spirits. By opening your mind to perception and dispelling strong negativities such as delusions and paranoia, emerald grounds the wearer.
Emerald was often used to become close to God, whichever you choose. A stone used for detoxing as well as relieve curses to the evil eye, emerald raises spiritual consciousness and mediates between the universe and your destiny.
Symbolizing divine love, emerald is considered a good omen when seen in dreams. Dark green emerald stones also awaken the power of the Glory angel, Raphael. Emerald also welcomes prosperity and abundance to the wearer, best seen in the Hindu Goddess Annapurna, often seen with food and spoons in her hands.
· Emotional Effects of Emerald
If you’ve had problems with commitment to fidelity, emerald can revitalize you towards the right path. To use the manifestation powers of emerald for your emotional wealth, you need to cleanse and program the crystal.
When worn on the heart chakra, emerald emanates loving vibrations that harbinger positivity to courage and self-confidence. Emerald boosts the degree of faith in its wearer, especially in the self.
The calming power of emerald is ideal for those suffering from anxiety attacks to depression and distress.
Five Facts About Emerald
1. The negativity Release stone was highly revered such that Queen Elizabeth II made a diadem and Alexander made a belt for success and victory.
2. Emerald has unique lore of connecting with Mother Gaia and hence is also a Gardener’s BFF!
3. Often quoted as the fertility stone, Emerald was renowned as the ‘cradle of civilization’ and hence, a prominent gift for couples without kids.
4. 95% of the world’s total emeralds are mined from Colombia.
5. A gem gifted on the 55th anniversary, not many couples have been proud to share the holy matrimony with emerald!
Before You go …
Representing eternity to evergreen love, Emerald is the stone of reincarnation, change and renewal too. Unlike most gemstones, emeralds should be gently cleaned. Use of ultrasonic cleaners and steam cleaners or even the DIY acetone solution are strictly prohibited if you want to keep your emerald forever as it is.
Stay powerful~
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