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Bayberry Candle Magic with Crystals for Prosperity

Bayberry Candle Magic with Crystals for Prosperity

Since the earliest American Settlers, Bayberries are a harbinger of the winter season. Although winter brings famine and diseases, Bayberry candle magic attracts opulence and extravagance. That’s why today we are going to devote this section to the powers and uses of bayberry candles so that you can welcome winter with both hands because blessings are showered in return too!

What Is a Bayberry Candle?

Bayberry Candle Magic with Crystals for Prosperity

Almost always available in green Bayberry candled is also called Bayberry spell candle for its power in wiccan traditions of magick. Once called a sign of good fortune and luck, you can use Bayberry candle for luck and good fortune too.  

Do you know it takes 15 pounds of bayberries to be melt down to make one pound of wax? No wonder they are not easy to get your hands on!

What Is the Tradition of Burning Bayberry Candles?

Bayberry Candle meaning is luck. It is meant to attract light with the luck. While there are many traditions of the Bayberry candle you need to unearth, we will tell a few below.

But first, is bayberry candle a good gift? It is the best gift at this time around the year if you want to wish them happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Perfect for home blessing and house warming too.

How Are Bayberry Candles Made?

One of the easiest and the earliest candle-making methods were with bayberries due to their waxy texture. The recipe entails you to pick a lot of bayberries, melt it down in one pot and then filter it using a cheesecloth to cool it off.

The wax coagulates and you get your bayberry candle wax ready to be processed. Once the wax is hard, you can mix it with beeswax and make taper candles during the season. How does handmade bayberry candles sound?

What Is the Story Behind Bayberry Candle?

Bayberry Candle

A purely American tradition, burning Bayberry candles is considered a luxury. Why? That’s because at the time when colonial settlers landed in America, there was a shortage for almost everything. As candles were often made out of tallow or other animal fat, winter was a tough time to find tallow.

As the colonialist women noticed the waxy residue on bayberries, they began to boil and make wax out of them. But as we said, it takes 15 pounds of bayberries to make one pound of bayberry wax.

Hence, you can understand how luxurious it was to buy a bayberry candle, let alone gift. With time, currency grew and bayberry candles came in plenty. Today it is a sign of gifting opulence!

Where Does Bayberry Grow?

With the scientific name of Myrica pensylvannica, bayberry is made from bayberries usually seen in Eastern North America. The specific region to find it is on the Eastern coast and North Carolina. This deciduous shrub produces red colored waxy berries.

What Is Bayberry Candle Used for?

Bayberry Candle magic cartoon

So, you’ve understood everything about Bayberry candles. What’s next? How to use it in your daily life’s next. Bayberry candle can attract many things into your life if you use it the right way. Wanna know which are the rightest ways to Bayberry Candles? Let’s find your favorite one!

·      Wealth and Money

Do you want to get out of financial debts? It is easy to attract wealth into your life with bayberry candles. Try it for yourself!

  • Take your bayberry candle.
  • Light it.
  • Take your pyrite stone.
  • Circle it thrice over the bayberry candle flame.
  • Place it next to the candle in the south east corner of your home.
  • Leave the flame undisturbed, let it burn out!

·      Abundance

When you take help of feng shui, which literally speaks for the flow of energy dependent on wind, you can count gemstones in. We are going to be using the Chinese stone of prosperity in all its whole.

  • Take your bayberry candle.
  • Place your grid (it can be a mandala or a circular pattern).
  • Take 7 jade stones and arrange around the grid.
  • Place the bayberry candle in the center of the grid on a candle holder.
  • Light the candle.
  • Take a clear quartz wand and circle it over the candle flame.
  • Touch the tip of the wand on each of the jade stones in a circular motion.
  • Let the essence of bayberry instill and channel luck through the stones.
  • Don’t blow out the candle.
  • Wait till it finishes burning.

·      Good Fortune

If you’re hunting for fortune throughout your life, you need to tune the essence of prosperity through a beautiful yet powerful gemstone called Emerald. We have just the perfect way to channel it!

  • Light your bayberry candle.
  • Circle the emerald thrice over it.
  • Take your Tibetan singing bowl.
  • Place the Emerald inside the copper bowl.
  • Rub the edges of the bowl with a wooden mallet.
  • Chant your affirmation while your rub the edges or sing.
  • Do it for five minutes.
  • Take the emerald and circle it thrice over the candle flame.
  • Next, place the charged emerald in your pocket.

·      Luck

If you want to manifest your affirmations, the all-powerful gemstone of luck can help your bayberry candle session. The simplest way is to keep the citrine blessed by bayberry candle flame in your safe or wallet. Else, you can follow the below steps.

  • Light your bayberry candle in front of you.
  • Take your Citrine and circle it thrice over the candle flame.
  • Chant your affirmation or just let stream of consciousness overtake you.
  • Continue until you feel light.
  • Let the candle run it out, don’t blow your luck away!

·      Success

Craving for personal success in business? Perhaps you want to take your career by the horns. Whatever be your struggle, we can help you. Take the help of peridot this time. All you have to do it is wear it on the auspicious day after setting your intention on the stone.

Peridot is a must-have charm for success particularly in August.

When Should You Burn a Bayberry Candle? Why Bayberry Candle for New Year’s Eve?

New year solstice is the ideal time of burning the bayberry candle. The story goes that if you let the light of the bayberry candle burn for the first 40 days of the new year, good luck, success, fortune, prosperity and abundance will knock on your door.

 As we told, today bayberry candles are signs of opulence. Typically, you get two taper candles of bayberry when you buy. One for lighting yourself and the other for gifting away.


Let me quote the bayberry candle poem before ending this post today.

This Bayberry candle comes from a friend,
so on Christmas Eve burn it down to the end
- for a Bayberry candle burned to the socket
will bring joy to the heart and gold to the pocket.

Love and light~

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