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7 Tricks About Crystals for Humility Everyone Should Know

7 Tricks About Crystals for Humility Everyone Should Know

From filtering your reality to growing up into an adult, there are many ways to learn the virtue of humility as a first-hand experience. It is widely said that humbleness is the sign of greatness than servility. If you’re a person who finds it hard to boss around any human, animal or situation, you know what we’re talking about!

Gemstones for Humility: Secrets behind the Secret Powers

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

For crystal users, gemstones can teach profound lessons of humility quickly. Provided anyone around you is finding it hard to shed layers of selfishness, ingratitude and arrogance from their spiritual self, gifting one of the below gemstones can bring about wide changes too!

Humility comes from the heart, based on how you perceive life and your reality around it. To be humble towards other as well as our surroundings, we should first grow respect. Respect begins with your perception of others and the right gemstones can help you understand people, their auras and the setting around you clearly by interfering and empowering your aura.

As gemstones energies resonate with chakras, you must use Chakras that awaken the higher chakras such as the Crown Chakra, Third Eye and Heart Chakra, which is known to be the centre seat of humility and transcendence.  By opening the Tenth Gate of the Soul, one also walks into transcendence and unlocks enlightenment required for Humility to grow.

How are Healing Crystals for Humility Used

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

A virtue of the wise men, humility is nothing but self-awareness, respect and mindfulness in everyday life. To harbor humility, you must first learn the lessons of self-respect over self-pity.

To make the crystal work best, one should choose a comfortable mode of charging the gemstone with healing energies.

From crystal programming to grids, there are many crystal rituals to make your healing crystal do the job you need, for you, through your own energies.

1.       Amethyst for Realizing the Ground Beliefs

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

An excellent Crown Chakra crystal that also works as an integral part of a Thanking Grid, Amethyst is ideal to have a reality check if narcissism or self-loathing is taking a toll on you. Amethyst makes the wearer understand his or her own significance in cosmos.

Made as a sobering stone, Amethyst can be charged using a pendulum or with affirmations. To realize the full potential of your purple gem, you must bond with it deeply first and clean it using a purification gem such as Clear Quartz.

2.       Jade for finding Comfort  

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

An integral part of Ancient Chinese Medicine as well as culture, Jade awakens the traits of trusting yourself and others. Trust helps in easing into your comfort zones effortlessly, which incurs lesser stress and tension upon the conscious mind.

Regular Yoga gem used to activate the compelling and calming energies of the Heart Chakra, Jade is a 12th Anniversary Stone best for couples and those in love. A rehabilitating and harmonizing gemstone, Jade also embalms the hurt corners of the heart.

3.       Kunzite for Willingness to Serve

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

The soothing gemstone that truly converts a person, Kunzite must be used to get rid of destructive and anti-social mentalities. Kunzite gemstone activates the higher heart chakra by lighting the energy of divine love. In addition, it also activates the Throat and Third Eye Chakra in the wearer, to empower the consciousness and deep-rooted humility.

Kunzite is an excellent stone to offer gratitude and hence, one of the best treasured gifts around different cultures.

4.       Purple Fluorite for Tolerance

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

An invigorating gemstone that renews the wearer with a superior consciousness that becomes tolerant and humble towards the bigger picture of the cosmos. Regular Fluorite wand is excellent for programming as it charges the Crown and the Heart Chakras at the same time.

If you feel intolerant, indifferent or even violent towards society, fluorite can be used for calming down to comprehend the insignificance each of us holds in this world.

5.       Sodalite for Expressing Gratitude

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

Yet another Heart Chakra stone that enlightens the wearer on why one every one of us is obliged to be thankful towards Mother Nature and the cosmos. Sodalite also activates both the Third Eye and Crown Chakra powers to boost intuition and psychic abilities in the wearer.

6.       Iolite for Purification

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

A beautiful purification stone, Iolite can help reconnect with the world around as well as with Mother Nature, if you set your journey on the wrong foot. It is also ideal to purify your gemstones as well as the body before work using iolite to boost your humility.

What we recommend …

7 Tricks About Crystals For Humility Everyone Should Know

It is ideal to understand that knowledge is vast and people around us perceive the world differently than each of us individually does.

Gemstones that activate the Crown Chakra and that of the comforting chakras such as that of the Heart or even Agnya are widely used to grow the qualities of humility, obedience and servile nature.

Which amongst the below makes you humble or melt from within?

Natural Green Jade Bracelet   AtPerrys Healing Crystals   1Amethyst Quartz Crystal Wand   3.5oz   100gr   AtPerrys Healing Crystals   1Rainbow Topaz Amethyst Ring

Stay powerful~

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